Madison gulped. Shoot.

"Do you ever... you know, miss being alive? Having a normal life?"

Madison facepalmed as she looked around the street. She sighed. "Everday. There are moments... the warmth of the sun on my skin, the taste of my favorite pizza, the simple joy of hanging out with friends without having to worry about saving the world. Those things, I miss them terribly."

Barney smilled. It was a warm one, filled with hope. It seemed to radiate from miles away. "But... seeing you like this, so strong and determined... it makes me proud, Maddy. You're making a difference, a real difference. And who knows, maybe someday there won't be a need for SoulDefenders anymore. Maybe we can all have that normal life again."

Barney smiled, a hopeful glint in his eyes. "Now that's something I can get behind."

Andy Brooks appeared, all of a sudden. He told Madison, Dave & Lydia they need to go to Texas. A soul was about to leave his body.

Madison's smile faltered as she heard Andy's announcement. She glanced back at Barney, her expression etched with disappointment. "Can't this wait?"

"It can't. Texas is a hotzone," Andy began. "People are dissapearing left and right - we can't risk this."

Lydia's face hardened. Even though she was a 62-year-old woman, it was hard enough for her. "Very well. We should depart immediately. The sooner we begin recruiting, the sooner we can put a stop to these disappearances."

A look of frustration washed over Barney's face as he observed the exchange. He clearly picked up on Madison's dejection. "Maddie... Is everything.. ok?"

Madison sighed. "Yeah, but, I gotta go. I've got buisness to attend to."

Lydia gestured for Madison. "Come on, young woman. For duty awaits."

Madison nods reluctantly, stealing one last glance at Barney. Her heart aches at the thought of leaving him so soon. "Hey, Barney."

Barney nodded. "Mhm?"

"I gotta go. Promise me you'll still be the amazing champ you are."

Barney grinned, a touch strained at the edges. "Always, sis. You fly high and save the world."

Madison offers a weak smile in return before turning and disappearing with Andy, Dave and Lydia in a flash of light. Barney watched them go, a heavy silence settling around him. The weight of Madison's departure hangs heavy on Barney.

The joy of hanging out with his friends dissipates, replaced by a gnawing worry. He glances back at his friends, their chatter seeming distant and unimportant. Drake noticed Barney's dejection.

"You alright, man? You looked like you were about to win the lottery a minute ago, and now you look like someone just kicked your puppy."

Barney forced a smile, his heart heavy. "Yeah, I'm good, D. Say, I wanna go home. Gaming took a LOT out of me."

Drake smiled.

"Whatever you say, dude."

"I hear ya."


Dave, Madison, Andy & Lydia's silouhettes, all in gold, appear. Their silouhettes dissapear, leaving behind them. Andy looks around. The entire place looked like it was out of a Western. The sun was beginning to set, painting the sky purple and orange.

Andy whistled. "Aw, hell. This looks like the Outback. From where I'm from."

Lydia pointed to a ranch. "See that ranch right there? I feel energy coming off of it. I think someone's about to depart."

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