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" It will be quick. "

What the hell does it mean? What will be quick? Why was i called? Is this a threat? Or a good thing.. Or worse? I don't know what's happening. First, Mr. Hwang's engagement incident, second, i met one of my past lovers again. Third, this phone call.. Why is everything happening at the same time?! I seriously need a break. I don't want to care about what's happening anymore.. Mr. Hwang is probably mad at me. He probably hates me. Should i text him? Should i tell him the truth? I don't want to. Who is he to know the truth? Why am i worried about that? I never told any of my past lovers even. Why him? Why am i feeling the urge to tell him? No.. He's just someone i met somehow. He isn't anyone special to me. No. I won't be telling it. But why on earth the guy tried killing his fiancee? I really wanna know. Really want to keep them safe.. They were so excited about this engagement but it didn't end up happening. The morse code thing is another case. Who got my number even? Did i give it to the wrong person or something? Is this a prank? Or something worse.. I don't know. Come on.. I cant figure things out. I really cant. So many incidents at a time..

"Hey, why are you staring at the ceiling?" Changbin suddenly asked Minho coming into his room. While Minho was still in his thoughts.

"Minho, are you overthinking about something again?" he again said, placing the bag of food on his desk and going towards him. Minho snapped out of the thoughts finally and looked at him.

"Huh? Nothing. I just think mr. Hwang is lowkey mad on me. Haha.. For not explaining everything." he replied, scratching the back of his head. Changbin sat beside him and sighed. "You dont need to tell him about this you know. You still don't know if you can trust him or not. It's better not to tell people, that's what you've been doing anyway.. I wasnt supposed to know as well. But i got to, anyway." he looked out of the window. Suddenly Minho got a flashback of how changbin had got to know about his curse.


Changbin came home from work, only to find minho nowhere. Minho happened to be inside the bathroom without any response. At first, changbin thought it was completely normal, maybe minho would be just showering at that time.

But it had been hours since minho didn't came out of the bathroom. Changbin decided to knock on the door and call him out just to make sure there was nothing wrong.

"Minho? Are you done showering? You'll get your skin ruined if you shower for that long." he slightly yelled, hoping for a response, but he received none. He knocked again to receive a response from him. "Are you asleep in the tub or something?" he asked. He got worried when Minho still did not answer him after so many knocks.

"Minho, this isn't a joke. Come outta there." he said in a serious voice this time. He kept on knocking.

"Atleast response to me?!" he yelled.

"Fuck.. Are you okay? I'll be real embarrassed if i'm worried for nothing." he knocked again and again.
"I'm breaking the door in minutes, Minho. Come out now." he warned, but there was still, silence.

He finally started to break the door.

"I'm gonna get you to pay for this door." he said as he kept trying. When he finally broke the door open, his eyes widened from horror as he saw Minho just lying lifelessly in the bathtub, filled with his own blood. The whole bathroom was a mess already. He was so glad that he had broken the door at that time.

He rushed there to Minho and saw that he had been constantly stabbed on his throat countless times. He also had his veins cut various times. He was unconscious. Changbin immediately checked his pulse to see if he was still alive. To his surprise, he still was, even after being stabbed on the throat he didn't know how many times.
He sighed in relief, but he immediately took Minho out of the tub. Minho had gained consciousness till then.

He grabbed onto changbin's arm.

"Don't take me anywhere.."

"Why not?! Who the hell did this to you? Who broke into this house and did this horrible thi-"

"I.. Did this myself. Don't go anywhere, please. Don't take me anywhere." he requested in a weak voice which Changbin didn't dare to fight.

"So am i gonna see you just die in here? Are you telling me that? What made you do this?! Who forced you to do this? Minho, come with me to the hospital please. Let's go. You lost so much blood already, i can't let you die. There's no time–"

"Stop this Changbin. Don't be so dramatic.." he looked up at Changbin and held him tightly. It seemed like he actually didn't want to go to the hospital.


"Changbin.. I'll heal by myself.. Don..t.. Worry. Leave me alone. Trust me this once. I will heal by myself.. Please. Just dont take me in a hospital." he said as Changbin just could not believe in his words.

"What the heck do you mean you'll heal by yourself? You're in pain, Minho. You can't–"

"Please trust me this once. I mean it."

Changbin just stayed quiet and made Minho shower for then, to get his blood washed away from his body. He was surprised when he looked at the wounds, they were no longer bleeding. The veins that were cut, had fixed itselves. After drying him with a towel, he picked him up and took Minho out of the bathroom, wrapping a towel around him. He then went to get some clothes for minho from his closet.

Minho was embarrassed that Changbin had to go through that for him.

"You'll catch a cold if you keep yourself in a towel only." he said as he gave him the clothes. Minho took them and wore them.

"You're alright. Arent you? Are you still in pain?"

"I was, but no more."

"So.. Care to explain?" he asked as he dried minho's hair with a towel meanwhile.

"This is a curse. I lied to you. Ive been lying that i'm only 25. I'm actually 177 years old." he replied, but changbin seemed to be listening to his words carefully.

"I actually havent aged since i was 25.. No matter what i do, i can't die. I end up being alive again, healing by myself again. This is why i have no parents, siblings or relatives. They all are dead decades ago. I'm the only one left behind in this cruel and disgusting world. I'm sorry that i didn't tell you this earlier, i have severe trust issues." he added.

"Did i gain your trust by now?"

He nodded while looking away.

"Then that's alright. I hope you're feeling okay. I freaked out very much seeing you like that.. I'm sorry for yelling at you. But you should not try this please. You'll just end up being in pain." he said in a soft voice.

Minho's eyes became full with tears. He looked down and sobbed.

"Why can't i just.. Die?" he said in a shaky voice.

"Why do i.. Have to see you all die a horrible death while i'm.. Still here.. For nothing? Literally nothing. Why do i exist? Why was i cursed? Am i gonna live for infinity..? The.. Thought of this scares me.. Every time.. Changbin.. Every time." he shut his eyes as tears began to fall from his eyes.

"When did my dreams.. Become my wounds like this, Changbin? Can you tell? Because i cant."


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