41. Michaels news

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Michaels POV 🥀

I was on my bed, scribbling out song lyrics in a shabby black notebook I'd had for years, when someone rapped at the door, hard.

Usually the nurses just knocked gently, so I couldn't imagine who it was. Jermaine? Janet? Mom?

"Come in," I called out. The door swung open and a woman in a suit and shoulder-length black hair entered, followed by my doctor, Dr Dean, and a couple of other people.

I sat up straight on my bed, legs crossed, nervous. "Hello? Who are you?"

"I'm Dr Savanna Copeland, this is Dr Dean Parker, your psychiatrist, and these are Matt and Lena." She gestured to the older man and young black woman standing behind them.

"Has something happened?" I murmured.

"No, Mr Jackson. We've got something to talk about, something that I think will be good in the long term."

I stared at her, not saying anything.

"Can we go somewhere to talk? Somewhere with chairs, perhaps." Dr Dean replied in his low, gruff voice.

I nodded silently and stood up, following them out the door. They lead me down the corridor and to the left, into a locked room with a table surrounded by mint green chairs.

I sat down on the one closest to the door, and looked anxiously at the floor, which was made of smooth wooden tiles.

Dr Savanna got right to the point.

"We've decided to discharge you into the care of the community." She told me.
My whole body froze, as I tried to take in what she'd said.

She smiled at me, raising her perfectly tweezed black eyebrows, "You're free, Mr Jackson!"

I stayed completely still for a moment, "I'm going home?"

It was what I'd wanted so badly the first month I spent here, but now I wasn't sure. Hope, the nurses, the constant feeling of safety..

I couldn't leave Hope, she made my life so much happier - I'd got fully attached. The last few months I'd spent, having her with me most days, had made my days brighter.

I could hardly imagine not waking up in my safe hospital bed, the long corridors and sitting in the lounge with the others and watching TV.

"Your meds have been sorted, they seem to be working for you, and we want to try you out in your own house, with a carer to visit every day. We'll give you some numbers to call if in a crisis, but we are discharging you this weekend."

I stood up dizzily, pushed open the door and ran back to my room. I felt sick, I felt on the edge of tears, I wanted to scream.

I pounded on the wall, wanting to feel pain, wanting to feel SOMETHING. I kicked the wall and stubbed my toe hard, then yowled and fell over onto my backside.

I put my head on my knees and sobbed, rocking back and forth. "Hope!" I screamed, tears dripping down my face.

Hayley appeared at the door, and pushed it open. "Do you want me to get Hope for you, Mike?"

I nodded, crying. She disappeared and came back with Hope at her side, who was looking at me in concerned big eyes, and came rushing in to hold me.

Hayley went back to her checks and Hope kneeled down beside me. "Mike? What's happened?" She asked softly, stroking my head.

"I'm being discharged!" I sobbed. "I don't want to leave you, Hope!"

She held me for a second, then said "Michael, you may not have to leave me."

"Huh?" I stared up at her with tearful eyes and she wiped a tear off my cheek.

"You know, when you get discharged and go home, you'll have a carer coming round each day to make sure you're doing okay?"

"Yeah.... They said that." I sniffled.

"Well, Michael, I might be working with you as your carer. I'll be with you most days of the week, and ....."

She caught sight of my face. The tears had stopped, and a huge smile had spread across my face.
I took two steps forward into her arms, and squeezed her, never to wanting to let go.

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