20. Emergency

16 2 14

Hopes POV 🥀

My phone was ringing, ringing, ringing. What was going on? It was from work.

Had there been an incident? A death? Surely not Mike, if Michael Jackson had died then the whole world would know, it would be splattered across the face of every newspaper.

I was worried, though.

I put it to the back of my head and focused on Jamie, who I had just spent the day with, he was a bit out of it on strong pain medications.

James was stable. He was going into hospital again, hopefully Clemmie Woods where I could look after him.

He'd left his bungalow and jumped off the top of a 4 storey car park. He'd be in a wheelchair for a while, but his injuries were not life threatening.

A group of onlookers had called 999 and my brother was rushed to hospital, unconscious and barely breathing. He was taken straight into surgery and then to the ICU.

He had now been transferred to a normal ward instead of intensive care, and had a constant security guard with him to make sure he didn't try to hurt himself.

I hurried home and relaxed in front of the TV, enjoying my last day off work. I was going back tomorrow, on Friday.

I eventually phoned Grayson ward back, and Lucie answered. "Hey, is everything alright?" I asked.

"There's been an emergency, a patient absconded from the hospital on Wednesday and he still hasn't been found. We don't even know if he's alive. We're not releasing the name of the patient to the papers for privacy reasons."

"What? Why? Which patient is it?"
I immediately assumed Jack. Jack was always doing runners, ending up god knows where.

"Hope, it's Michael...."

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