romanoff | black t-shirt ( f )

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summary - natasha spends all morning looking for her favorite black t-shirt that you stole weeks ago

word count - 0.6k

You had no idea what had sent your girlfriend into such a frenzy, but walking into her apartment alarmed you that something was up. The ruckus only got louder and louder the farther you stepped into the home, until you found your girlfriend sprawled out on her bedroom floor with clothes surrounding her. Her eye was still bruised over from the last mission she was called away on, and her side was still bruised up from the assault of the weapons backfiring. Nonetheless, she looked perfect.

"Everything okay down there?" You asked, watching as Natasha rolled over onto her stomach and once again began pulling random shirts out from beneath her bed. The red scratch marks littering her back were all from you, and a blush spread over your cheeks as you took in her bare appearance. You could do as much damage as a battlefield.

"I'm trying-" She huffed, pulling out yet another black t-shirt that had been crumpled into a ball, probably having never been worn because of the messy state of not only Natasha's room, but her life at the moment. "I'm trying to find my one black t-shirt. Not the ribbed one."

You raised your eyebrows, looking down at the shirt clinging to your own torso. Natasha had too many black t-shirts, you've told her a million and three times, but she always shushed you with the justification that she could identify each one by a single trait she didn't like, and it almost never failed her. The specific t-shirt she's looking for is your favorite, and you've been playing a long pawn to finally steal it. It was big on you, and it was soft, and it smelled like the perfect mix of your girlfriend's favorite things; the salt of the ocean, her perfume, the fabric softener you used when you did her laundry after a battle, and your perfume from the beginning of the day. If she had looked up at you when you entered, she would have realized it was hers immediately due to the oversized fitting, but she was too much in a trance to even pay you any attention.

"The one Maria got you for christmas?" You played into her antics, getting down on your knees beside her head so you could scour through her dresser. You felt her hair move against your thigh in confirmation, and you laughed softly. "Why do you want that specific one? You just pulled out an identical one."

"The one I'm looking for is softer." She mused, "You washed it with the fabric softener last time you were here. After Clint almost got blown to bits.." Your heart swelled knowing that she paid enough attention to what you did for her to know you spent hours washing her clothes after she went to bed because you couldn't sleep, still on edge about how you could've lost her this time. She had come to find you just after one, but you had already folded her clothes and put them away before she corralled you back to bed sleepily herself.

You squealed when suddenly your body was tackled to the floor, pinned beneath Natasha's body and her smiling face was above yours. You giggled as her fingers moved against your hips, digging into the shallow dips of your hips, knowing that was where you were the most ticklish. "You have it on!" She taunted, "We were looking for a shirt you have on! When did you take it?"

"When I washed it. It's my favorite." You added nonchalantly, nuzzling your nose up into the collar of the shirt and smiling at Natasha, even though he couldn't see your mouth beneath the soft black cotton. "Smells like you."

Natasha lowered her nose to yours, pulling the shirt away from your mouth and putting her lips on yours. The two of you fit together perfectly, and even though Natasha spent hours looking for that soft black shirt, she didn't have the mind to strip it from your possession.

"Looks better on you anyways, baby."

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