Can I Get A Little Respect Around Here!?

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"This is a adorable tent! how come you have never invited me into it!?!"  Tyrion hears Lysianassa coo softly as she sneaks into his carriage a few seconds after his cousin Lancel leaves it he starts to open his mouth to answer but doesn't get a ch...

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"This is a adorable tent! how come you have never invited me into it!?!"  Tyrion hears Lysianassa coo softly as she sneaks into his carriage a few seconds after his cousin Lancel leaves it he starts to open his mouth to answer but doesn't get a chance as her lips meet his and she begins to strip him of his clothes with a smile on her face "you would do this here!?!"  he asks between kisses "are you saying no to me!?!"  she asks "never! but Bronn....!"  he replies "won't get paid if he watches! and he will kill the other guards that are with him if they try to peek in!.... won't you Bronn!?"  she says as she slides his phallus into her vulva "yes my lady"  Bronn who was standing outside the carriage like tent replies with a smile in his tone.... and quite possibly on his face.... Tyrion moans as Lysianassa gently thrusts him even further inside her moving her hips in all the right ways to help with the rhythm of those thrusts to help send him over the edge of ecstasy "it would be more fun if they carried us in your tent while we do this"  she whispers into her husbands ear Tyrion chuckles and they make love to one another in his "tent" which he thoroughly enjoys once they are spent they get redressed for he had stripped her of her clothes as well when he heard she didn't care that Bronn was close enough to watch them make love through the holes in the top of his "tent".... though he was sure Bronn was used to hearing it so that didn't matter.... once they were redressed they along with Bronn walk through the city side by side Lysianassa's hand in Tyrion's and when they pass by a man selling apples Lysianassa buys the ones he holds in his hands giving him a few extra coins than what he asked for "for Svaðilfari and Eimyrja"  she says when she sees her husband look at her Tyrion smiles as she checks the apples to see just how fresh they truly were then places the apples in the bag she carries with her at all times just in case she'd need it she also pays the man next to the fruit seller for what the boy who ran away from his area had stole giving him a few extra coins as well and the man bows in thanks to her as they pass him a smiling.... mainly do to the fact his wife's actions and how she keeps stopping and sneaks a coin or two to the children that surround them.... Tyrion says to Bronn as they walk "Stannis has more infantry, more ships, more horses what do we have?"  Bronn replies "there's that mind of yours you keep going on about"  Tyrion says "well, I've never actually been able to kill people with it"  Bronn replies "good thing I'd be out of a job"  Lysianassa chuckles softly "what about your father?"  Bronn asks "he hasn't sent a raven in weeks he's very busy being repeatedly humiliated by Robb Stark is time consuming we won't be able to hold the city against Stannis, not the way Joffrey's planning on holding it"  Tyrion replies they hear a man say "corruption!"  and a crowd  around the man shout "yes!"  Lysianassa whispers "this can't be good!"  as the protestor says "we are swollen, bloated, foul brother fornicates with sister in the bed of kings, and we're surprised when the fruit of their incest is rotten?"  the crowd cheers "yes, a rotten king!"  the protestor says "it's hard to argue with his assessment the king is a lost cause it's the rest of us I'm worried about now"  Tyrion says Lysianassa squeezes his hand gently he looks at her and smiles then lifts her hand up to his lips and kisses the back of it as the protester says "dancing king, prancing down his bloodstained halls to the tune of a twisted demon monkey!"  the crowd laughs Lysianassa looks at her husband and says softly "your sister is a demonic monkey!?! and I didn't know your nephew could dance!"  he chuckles then replies "you have to admire his imagination"  Bronn tells him "he's talking about you"  Lysianassa frowns Tyrion squeezes her hand as Bronn says "people think you're pulling the king's strings despite what your wife tries to do for it the people blame you for the city's ills"  Lysianassa looks at her husband and says softly "they do not see you that often and you have yet to try and get to know them so they get to know you they don't realize your nephew doesn't listen to anyone not even his mother.... unless she says something he wants to hear.... it is times like these I wish what little I try to do does serve you but it seems it doesn't and for that I apologize"  he kisses the back of her hand and replies softly "you don't need to apologize for that and you're right I should have gotten to know the people like they know you"  she rubs her nose up against his and coos "you're a very handsome demon monkey!"  he smiles then kisses her lips and they all continue on their way grateful they were not noticed by the protestors for that would have been so much worse....

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