Something is seriously wrong. This is very unlike the usual ray of sunshine that greets me every day.

"Don't worry, baby. Everything will be ok" I mumble, squeezing her tighter and stroking her hair softly. "Wait a second" I say as I somewhat stumble over a few steps to the door of the backroom where Spencer is. Belle didn't even notice we moved an inch.

"Spenc!" I say.

Once she turns around, I gesture to the lovely girl in my arms. "Will you be alright without her today?" I ask

Spencer's eyes widen, "uh.. I-.. yeah. Is she okay?" she whispers the last part.

I nod which makes her reciprocate the actions.

"Belle, love? Can you walk?" I ask quietly. She sniffles and nods against my chest. "Let's walk to my car, darling. It's not far" I say, tearing her from me and opting to hold her hand instead.

We make one step before she's trying  to glue herself into me again. What should I do?

"Can I carry you, baby?" I ask, cupping her face into the palms of my hands and wiping away some of her tears. She sniffles and croaks out a "yes" before I scoop her up bridal-style.

Despite it being 12pm, not many people were out. I guess this really is a small town huh.

Not even 10 seconds later, I'm placing her gently down in the passenger seat and fastening her seatbelt. "Is this ok, baby?" I ask and she nods.

"One second" I mumble, closing her door and jogging over to the driver's side. I quickly jump in and put my keys into the ignition. 

"Belle? What's wrong, sweetheart?" I ask as her crying dies down. I use my right hand on the gear stick quickly before placing it on her hand that's resting on her lap.

I quickly check around the car that my back-up guns aren't on display. I usually keep them in the passenger compartment.


She looks up at me and we maintain eye contact for a second before I need to face the road again. Tingles shoot up my arm as she locks her hand into mine. 

I use the pad of my thumb to soothingly rub the back of her hand. "My aunt- ... she-... she did something terrible" she murmurs.

"Your aunt? What did she do, love?" I ask, as I turn the corner using one hand on the steering wheel.

She lets out another sob before choking out, "she k-killed my p-parents."

My eyes widen. Did I just hear that correctly?

I'm taken aback. 

Of course I already knew about this little event but how did Belle find out?

Did Amanda tell her?

"How do you know?" I ask hesitantly. Luckily, she didn't read too much into my words, which is good.

"I h-heard her" she sniffles.

"How, baby? And when?" I ask again. I know it probably isn't the best idea to be asking so many questions but knowing the full picture can help me help her.

That's what is important.

We drive a few houses down one of the streets before arriving at the estate. Tanya will be home but Liam and Dad aren't. Dad is out doing god knows what and Liam is hanging out with Jaxon today.

"I-I.. it-... she-" she stumbles over her words and results in a sniffle. "Don't worry, love. You don't have to tell me if you don't want to. Why don't-"

I'm cut off by her rapidly shaking her head. "You do want to tell me?" I figure out

She slowly nods her head, "You want me to know but not right now?". She nods again.

"Okay, darling. Don't worry. Take your time. How about we go inside and take your mind off things, yeah?"

"Yeah" she mumbles with a sniffle. "Can you walk or should I carry you?"

"Walk" she mumbles quietly. "Ok, sweetheart".

We both open our doors to get out but I quickly close my door and jog over beside her. I shrug my arm on top of her shoulders and gently lean her head into my chest/shoulder. "I'm always here for you, you know?"

I feel her nod against my chest. "Good" I mumble, planting a soft silent kiss on the top of her head.

A few minutes later, I bring her inside, show her my room and make her comfortable in my bed.

I know right. MY bed.

The sight is gorgeous. A gorgeous girl laying in my bed. Life cannot get any better fr...

"Do you want another blanket or pillow?" I ask. I wrapped her up so tightly in those duvets. 

She shakes her head 'no' so I nod and take a seat on the edge of the bed. "I'm sorry for taking up your bed" she says softly.

I let out a small laugh, "don't be sorry. I was the one who made you lay down and wrap you up in the blankets."

She shrugs and asks quietly, "can you lay down too?" 

"If you want me to" I answer.

I don't want to push her boundaries.

"Please. I want you to" she smiles up at me, shuffling to the left of the bed and holding up the blanket for me to come inside. I smile a little and wiggle myself into the space she created, resting one of my arms on her waist. A comforting reminder that I'm here.

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