❀ My Fan Arts 3.0 ❀

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These are also some Namjin Fanarts, and the first are for my story Surge Towards You.

Here's the second one

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Here's the second one

I like this one, though

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I like this one, though.

Okay the final one is a bit of a surprise, and it's based on an alpha×alpha ship, so little to no height difference might be present.

Not a really cool one? I know, I managed to make it in 10 minutes and this is how it turned out *sighs*

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Not a really cool one? I know, I managed to make it in 10 minutes and this is how it turned out *sighs*

So these are it!

Byee *wave*

I love you ♡♡♡♡

Sighing Out.

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