Life Is A Journey

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Life Is A Journey

Life is a journey, ever-changing and wide,

People come, people go, like the changing tide.

Some will owe you, as you will owe,

A dance of give and take, as we all continue to grow.

Sometimes you'll encounter bitter lessons, hard to bear,

Other times, you'll create the happiest memories to share.

In this journey of life, filled with joy and some strife,

You have the power to choose, to shape your own life.

Crossroads appear, decisions to make,

Choices that shape us, the path we take.

With each passing day, the story unfolds,

A tapestry of memories, tales to be told.

So, cherish the journey, come what may,

For life is a gift, in every single day.

Embrace the adventure, the highs and the thrill,

For in the end, it's the journey that gives life its fill.


For you 🌸

For you 🌸

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