Chapter 8

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I will admit, I took Nat's advice too literally and wasn't expecting him to be so accepting.

But now I had to make sure I didn't lose interest in him. Especially since I decided to be a selfish fangirl and gatekeep the God of Mischief for myself. That was the challenge now.

While I had been avoiding Loki the past few days, I had been distracting myself with focusing on work and reading more fanfics. Because if there was anything I was able to escape reality with, it was fanfics.

I was particularly excited to experience a 'proper' relationship with someone. It was what I was promised last time, to be guided in the relationship. Only to never start it. I had to hope Loki would actually do it and not disappear when I was just opening up to the idea of dating again.

Work wasn't as eventful, since hardly anyone comes in with the winter storms occurring so often. And not as many calls as it turned out either. The occasional call asking about planning trips for the summertime or reserving campgrounds. It was as dull as it got as a front desk person in visitor services.

But with Loki and I on a new level, I would be excited to see him after work. I even got him started on some online classes, due to his human age. Tony and Nat didn't think to add a high school diploma or GED to help out with his eligibility when searching for a job. He was reluctant to do them, but I told him it would help in the long run. Especially when I stated that he would breeze through it all with his godly intelligence.

I might've boosted his ego when saying that, but it worked in getting him to do it. Outplaying the trickster with facts he would know to be true. Because he would have learned all there is to learn throughout his entire life on Asgard.

Turns out there was something that he didn't understand when it came to some of the math equations. And he asked me for help since he assumed I would know. It was something I struggled on when I was in school that I despised.

Geometric and arithmetic sequences.

"What is the purpose of learning any of this? How likely is a human going to use this knowledge once they are finished with their education?" He asked.

"That is why many students hate school. Because there are very few moments where we'd even need to know basic stuff to function. You have joined the ranks of typical student mindset. Where we are forced to learn information that we won't need in the future." I chuckled.

"And this is a common thought between all youth being educated? All youth despise learning if they do not benefit from it?"

"Now you're getting it. I'll try my best to help, but my notes on how to do those are in my dad's storage unit down in Florida. Or maybe Tennessee? I don't remember since I've brought so much just because I like being prepared. Anyways, let's solve these and then you can move on." I stated.

It took a couple of hours for him to finally be free to spend time with me. And I decided for us to do Minecraft finally. I showed Loki the basics of moving around and the actual mining and crafting of it. Then I made a world to have us play together on. Because he was using my second account, I changed the skin to be one of him that looked decent enough.

Loki seemed to enjoy it, surprisingly. I enjoyed playing with him and leaned my head on his shoulder once we got tired of playing. Setting the laptops aside, he brings me down in a position where he's looming over my body. I just watched him before he seemed to decide against the thought, laying down next to me instead.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12 ⏰

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