Authors Note (apology)

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I am very very sorry that i haven't updated.  I have part of chapter four done but I no longer have access to the device it was written on. (This is why I prefer word documents and good old fashioned college rule notebooks.)

Hopefully, when school starts, my life will be more structured and I will be able to do more writing and less.... Yeah, i don't know. When school starts I will just have more to do.

But for the few (if any) out there wondering que la tuerca is going to happen with this story, it is still in my head. I haven't forgotten, i just haven't gotten around to writing long enough that i can get into a groove where my muse can just sucker punch me with great ideas.

So again, I apologize. Have a wonderful moment, cherish whatever is left of summer (if there is any left for you. I know some poor individuals have already started), and take everything one step at a time. Maybe you can't hike the whole Appalachian Trail, but you can take one step, and right now, in this moment, that is all that matters.

(((memtigers, I know it's not night (at least not for me), but.... it seemed a fine closing given recent events. I)))

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 09, 2015 ⏰

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