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Under the starless night a petite figure sat beside her window her silky black colour hair flew to her face due to the harsh wind.
All she did was to stare blankly at the thin air not minding the cold she was feeling due to her thin night wear.
Her birthday became her worst nightmare she could not believe her parents gift for her is to get married not just that to a person she don't love.
she bit her lower lip trying to hold back her tears.
An angry figure barged in it was her mother Mrs Kimberly. Rhia was immediately pulled harshly by her mother.
"What are you doing here in the middle of the night, you need to rest you have to look good for your wedding tomorrow" Mrs Kimberly said as she closed the window.
Rhia smiled bitterly she could not believe her parents planned all this because of thier selfish needs her eyes watered she stared at her mother.
" I d-dont want to g-get married.... " she stammered
"SHUT UP YOU WILL GO AND THAT FINAL" Her mother screamed at the top of her lungs she looked like a mad woman fighting for a loaf of bread.
she walked out and  slammed the door hard Rhia began to cry she could not hold it the tears that fell were hot on her cold skin her body shook slightly.

Heavens knew how happy she was to celebrate her twentieth birthday today only for her to ask her parent about her birthday present and she was told by her father she was going to get married tomorrow she was even suprised that her wedding gown was also ready her parent did this right under her nose  she had no clue.
She stood immediately never in her wildest dream believe she would get married to a stranger she have not met before or even love tears continue to stream down her cheeks.
she always dreamed of getting married to a loving and caring man and giving birth to cute little babies, going to various amusement park with her husband and and children. No wonder they are called dreams this is reality.
She smiled bitterly how foolish of her to the extent she made list of her babies name and even things to do with her husband.
She walked to her drawer she took her phone she need to do something she could not just sit and cry there like some damsel in distress wating for her prince to save.
She decided to call her bestfreind Lesley Lee after calling several times she finaly picked up.
"My God, Rhia why are you calling me in the middle of the n..."
"Lesley please come bring your car with you meet me outside" She hurriedly said in a whisper
"Ok i will be there in ten minuite"
"Thank you " Rhia hung up she quickly ran to her closet wore a baggy shirt and skirt and packed her on a bun,she did not mind wearing her flip flop.
She took  out different shirt and tied them together when it was long enough she tied it on her window and began to climb down she refuse to look down so not to fall she continue climbing down reaching down  she tripped and fell on the grass her body ached but she couldn't care less. she ran to back door she knew the spare key were always by the side of the carpet grass.
She immediately grabbed it an began to unlock the gate her heart raced she knew exactly what her mother was capapble of if she found out. Her rosy pink lips parted when she managed to unlock the gate. she ran out but she could not see Lesley.
Her eyes widened she forgot to tell Lesley to stop at the back gate not the front.
She froze when she heared her bestfreind shouting at one of the body guard her heart started pounding like  drum she pressed her body to the wall as she tiptoed she peeped,her body shook she saw lesley shouting at the body guard.
" I told i forgot my house key in Rhia's room i need to get it " Lesley said
"Stay here i will bring it" Lesley faked a gasp
"Don't tell me you are going to a girls room in the middle of the night" The body guard froze
Lesley phone immediately lit up Rhia texted
[At the back gate]
"Oops, Grandma just texted me she has a spare key" Lesley said in a rush and entered the car and drove to the back gate.
"Why did i not think of that" she said to herself  she stopped the car as Rhia entered she zoomed off.
"What happened why did you call me" Lesley asked worriedly she knew something was wrong especially when Rhia whispers.
"My parents wants me to get married " Rhia said in a whisper even do nobody was with them she was used to the habit.
" I thought you knew about it"Lesley said still focused on the road Rhia eyes widened.
"H.. how did you know" Rhia asked in a shocked expression.
"I thought you knew about it and did not want to tell me, they posted it on Hellogram" She said as she screeched to halt.
"You need to switch off your phone i know your mother if she finds out your gone she will track you here." Rhia nodded
"The man you are getting married to must be wealthy because your parent only invited high class people i saw the list on my Dad's table." Rhia gasped she could not believe it
"But i don't still get why your not aware" Lesley said
she noticed Rhia pale face
"You need rest,come lets go inside" Rhia entered lesley's apartment which was big and spacious but realy messy.
"I hope you don't mind i was just tired today" Lesley said as Rhia rolled her eyes
"You'r always tired lazybones"
"Thank you" she said with a curtsy Rhia could not help but laugh. she always made her smile.
"You can stay with me i have only one bed " Rhia stared at the king size bed.
"I am not.... " Lesley interrupted with a smile
"I know you'r not a good sleeper, i don't mind" she remembered back in highschool during camp she and Rhia had to sleep together Rhia kicked her so hard that her body ached hard the next day she wondered if Rhia use to practice karete in her sleep.
"Be comfortable if worse comes to worst i will sleep on the sofa" Lesley said Rhia rolled her eyes
and laid on the bed not long after they both drifted to sleep.
Lesley woke up due to the hard slap Rhia gave her she  stared at Rhia who was still asleep.
"Seems like you have upgraded your karate skills or maybe you've been given the black belt" Lesley stood to get some water her eyes widened as she looked through the window.
"Rhia hide they are here"

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