Chapter 48: Brutality

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Ashley went on to tell Jacob her life story.

Ashley used to be a boring little girl. She was nice, but she didn't come from the nicest place. There were clearly issues at home, her parents were unhappily married and never bothered to try and hide it. When she was drunk her mum told her about it all the time, including the fact they only got married because she was pregnant with Ashley. Her mum was obviously quite depressed and used a lot of escapism methods like alcohol and smoking, and overall just never paid attention to anything, especially not her daughter.

Oh, so there's some neglect here, obviously the lack of love will cause someone to become attention seeking and cause problems in adult life. What's next? A drunk dad steryotype!?

... Yep!

Her dad was an abusive drunk, no wonder her mother was so happy...


No, I can't say that... Can I? I'm making Ashley's life so horrible, and there are so many horrible things in the world you can add in bit by bit overtime... And one of those many things includes being touched by her dad in the-

No, I can't say it... That's too awful...

But such a life. That can't be good at all, I can't imagine that she really had much to live for in those dark times, and being a child obviously she had never known any different. Poor girl just wanted some love, someone to give her some hope away from this despair... Her teachers could never help even when she begged for it. She screamed and cried, she had meltdowns, she was very antisocial to the other kids because finally someone would just look at her. It was the only thing she knew to do, and hardly realised it was wrong.

Through all this the only thing that could keep her sane was her brother... And you know me, I can't let anyone have anything good. I let them have a little to stop them from killing themselves, in the end it lets them suffer more because they fear losing it... And then the glimmer in their eyes fades when they finally lose it, it's... Beautiful!

So, I took that away from her. Her brother and her were so close, they slept in the same bed, shared the little food they could get, they talked and talked and agreed to get away from all this one day... But he never made it out.

Screaming woke up Ashley and her brother yelled about how much pain his tummy was in, and Ashley couldn't get a phone. She comforted him all through the night, but when morning came he'd stopped screaming... Stopped breathing too, appendicitis...

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⏰ Last updated: May 13 ⏰

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