Chapter 2: Lilly hatches from the egg

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Sambor covered 40 kilometers north of Cologne. He was exhausted and hungry.

Suddenly, he smelled a crabeater.

This is one of his favorite victims.

The further north he went, the more blood he discovered.

Soon Sambor found his target. It was a young, seriously injured male.

He put the egg on the ground and wanted to kill the baby seal.

Suddenly, the shell began to crack.

Sambor stopped his hunt to look at the egg.

Suddenly, one leg appeared, then another.

The egg stood still. The chick inside couldn't control its balance and fell into Sambor.

Leopard seal chuckled and set the egg stood with its front flipper.

The egg started walking again, but it staggered and bumped into a crabeater.

Young seal yelped.

The chick inside called out:

- Sorry! Can anyone help me? I can't break free!

Sambor was the only one who answered her:

- Sorry, little one. You must get free on your own.

Chick inside reptiled:

-Kay! I try.

The chick kicked and kicked but to no avail.

Seeing his fruitless efforts, Sambor decided to help the chick.

He grabbed the egg gently with his teeth and bit into the shell.

After a while, the chick got out of the egg.

He had a piece of eggshell on his head like a hat.

It was a female. She looked sweet and innocent.

Suddenly, the chick approached Sambor and looked at him.

After a while it called out:

- MOM!

With that she hugged Sambor.

The Leopard Seal was shocked, but the crabeater was even more shocked.

- No, no. Little one. I'm not your mom, but I'll take care of you.

- So you're not my mom? - she asked cutely

- No. Little sausage.

The chick stood and looked at the leopard seal.

- Well, I think I need to give her a name - Sambor said to himself

- Sausage is not my name? - she asked innocently

- Your name will be Lilly. - Leopard seal said

- I like that name - Lilly said, wagging her tail

Suddenly, Lilly felt sleepy and fell asleep next to her adoptive father.

Sensing that the hatchling was fast asleep, Sambor made a silent attack and killed the crabeater before it could alert Lilly with its screams of death.

Lilly - daughter of the leopard seal (Happy Feet fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now