Dark Magic

12 2 18

Verse #1:

Do you remember last July?

Our breaking point

Made dark gray skies

I yelled and screamed

Cursing your name

Claimed it was your fault we couldn't stay the same

Pre chorus:

No wonder you left

Who would stay?

Who would come and join me

On my darkest days?


It's not your fault

It's mine

The darkness

Resides in my mind

Making a home in my body

Making a mess out of everything

Trashing up my life

Taking your's for the ride

It's not your fault

It's mine

I corrupted this love

It's failure was by my design

Verse #2:

Now I'm that girl

Who lives alone

The old widow

Who has no one to hold

So i sit alone with my thoughts

Telling me I'm not enough

Pre Chorus:

I'm so great

At screwing things up


Then destroying true love


It's not your fault

It's mine

The darkness

Resides in my mind

Making a home in my body

Making a mess out of everything

Trashing up my life

Taking your's for the ride

It's not your fault

It's mine

I corrupted this love

It's failure was by my design


Believe me

I wish more than anyone

That these voices in my head

Could be someday silenced

Running rampant

Wild and free

Increasing my hostility

Black tinted lenses

I see the world through

Always thinking of the worst situations

Assumptions lead to the worst accusations

I'm sorry

It came to this

My anxiety caused me to lose sight of the love I'd miss


It's not your fault

It's mine

The darkness

Resides in my mind

Making a home in my body

Making a mess out of everything

Trashing up my life

Taking your's for the ride

It's not your fault

It's mine

I corrupted this love

It's failure was by my design


My anxious heart ruins everything

Making every note offkey

Adding sharps and flats were their not supposed to be

Changing the melodies

Making them something tragic

My anxiety could be considered dark magic 

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