One Day

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Verse #1:

Alice found wonderland one day.

One day and her whole world changed.

One leap of faith,

A great escape,

And things would never be the same.

Alice found wonderland one day.

Pre chorus:

Into adventure she went,

Never stopping on the way,

Put her life in the hands of faith,

Oh what would it be like to,


Have a change of scenery,

Discover what the world has in store for me,

Delve into the great unknown,

Never know where you might gooooo,

Live a world of mystery,

Leave behind the misery,

Ohhh, What'd I'd give to know,

What's down the rabbit hole.

Verse #2:

Alice had a great adventure,

Saw new places and met new faces, 

A whole other look at the world.

All the things that she discovered,

Mysteries finally uncovered,

Alice found wonderland one day.

Pre chorus:

Into adventure she went,

Never stopping on the way,

Put her life in the hands of faith,

Oh what would it be like to,


Have a change of scenery,

Discover what the world has in store for me,

Delve into the great unknown,

Never know where you might gooooo,

Live a world of mystery,

Leave behind the misery,

Ohhh, What'd I'd give to know,

What's down the rabbit hole.


One day, my world could change

I could find my great escape,

Just like Alice did.

But didn't she go insane?

Cut away all my ties,

Leave behind my old life,

Is that what I really need?

Is it worth all the uncertainty?

Worth the risk to


Have a change of scenery,

Discover what the world has in store for me,

Delve into the great unknown,

Never know where you might gooooo,

Live a world of mystery,

Leave behind the misery,

Ohhh, What'd I'd give to know,

What's down the rabbit hole.


Ohhhh, Do I want to know,

What's down the Rabbit hole?

Leave my friends and family?

What if this is the place I'm supposed to be?

Don't think I need to know

What's down the rabbit hole.


I imagine this song being pure, perfect, bubble gum pop. I wrote this in like 15 minutes (like several of the other songs in this book) but it was the easiest song I have ever written. The words just flowed so easily. Because of this, I shall assume it's terrible. Thoughts????

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