3. i don't fight, i cheer

Start from the beginning

" about juvie ?" hazel questioned as josie made a groaning sound in anger.

" yeah, i mean what ?" pj responded. all hazel thought about was how y/n was right about the two never going to juvie and now she owed her a hangout from the bet they made over text in third period.

" why would you lie to me ?" hazel pouted slightly in disappointment.

" you were the one who said we went to juvie. i just didn't correct you. listen, self-defense is instinctual common sense. you try to punch me in the face, i stop it from happening. whatever, i don't care. it's easy. look, this is how we do this."

" okay we start with taekwondo, which i've got covered. and then you guys can move onto air punches." hazel suggests, while josie seems to be currently regretting her life up to this point.

" a bah bah bah bah," pj makes nosies to get them back on track to convincing josie. " who do we know ? who do we know ?"

" i'll bring stella rebecca." hazel offers as josie and pj immediately turn towards her.

" you know stella rebecca ?" josie and pj ask in unison.
" stella rebecca who models at car conventions in chicago on the weekends ?"

" yeah, we're family friends with y/n"

" okay, great. well then bring her. also speaking of y/n, bring her along too."

" what ? why ?" hazel stiffened up at the mention of her cru- uh best friend.

" to sing in a fuckin circle with her, why else hazel ? cause she's a hot ass cheerleader jeez get with the program hazel. you can't hog her all to yourself." pj stated aggressively as she turned back to josie. hazel just bit her lip in contemplation, she supposes she could ask but she was a bit off-put at the thought of pj asking specifically for you.

" josie !"

" what ?"

" we're doing this."

" nooooo" josie responds in a sort of whiny tone like a toddler being forced to do something they don't want to.

" yeah. listen to me. we teach a bunch of girls how to defend themselves against the evil huntington killers. they are grateful to us. we build a community. we bond. we share. we connect. we're punching each other. adrenaline is flowing. next thing you know, isabel and brittany are kissing us on the mouth. who knows maybe even hazel gets out of the friendzone with y/n." hazel turns her head when she hears the last part blushing in embarrassment, seemingly trying to interrupt pj from her monologue to correct her.

" josie, isabel knew your name."

if josie wasn't convinced before, she sure as hell was now after the last comment pj made.

" if we do this, very big if, we run the risk of becoming even bigger losers than we already are right now. and i hate to break it to ya, but we're pretty big losers."

" and that is the beauty. that is the beauty of this. because we are literally at the bottom. we're the lowest of the low. we have nowhere to go but up."

" listen, i think this is a really good idea, okay ? there's a serious lack of female solidarity at this school." hazel stated, genuinely looking at this supposed fight club in a good light unlike the two near her on the bleachers.

" not the point, hazel. not the point." pj shutting down hazel and her comment.

" pj shutting down hazel and her comment

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