Chapter 6: Hopeless Romantic

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— How did you get my number!?
— you weren't checking your phone while you were talking to your boyfriend. — Corazon snorted. — and you didn't turn it off either.
I huffed. — first, he's not my boyfriend! And second, tell me before doing something like this! I thought you were a scammer!
She only laughed.

— Corazon!! Who are ya talking to?
I heard Carlos' voice in the background.
— oh i'm talking to Kanroji! Wanna say hi?
— sure, gimme now.
I heard a lot of movement and grunts, I guess they fought to get the phone. That's cute.
— Hi Kanroji! Soooo Corazon thinks she's so funny and hid my books in your backpack. Can I go to your house later today to get them?
— NO- no. Sorry, no.
— ah? Why not?
Jeez, the awnser came out meaner than it should've. I cleared my throat to hide the little panic I felt for a second, bit was interrupted.

— Aki? Are you ok in there?
I heard my mom through the door, since the second I felt my phone vibrate from a call I hid in the bathroom. She probably didn't know what was happening.
— i'm ok ma! I'll come out in a few. 
— okay.
I heard her steps get further. I sighed and moved back to the call.

— so, my auntie is here, and she's like, really into my love life. If she sees you come in my house and be all friendly and all she's gonna guess you're my boyfriend. I doubt you'd like that.
He chucked through the phone.
— alright, alright, i'll wait for tomorrow then.  I smiled.
— thank you! Sorry for the bother! Oh, by the way, is this Corazon's phone or yours? So I know with what name save the contact.
— oh it's my ph-

I heard grunts again and yelling.
Corazon yelled.
A younger female voice yelled, a little sister?
They both yelled in unison, and a few seconds later, they ended the call. I guess they accidentally pressed the button. I giggled.

I saved their number as "Gomez ★" and walked out of the bathroom.

— My my, interesting call? — My auntie Akane smiled at me. She was sitting on the sofa in front of my mom. — was it a boy? A special boy?
She smirked, here she goes again.
— well, not exactly, it was a friend and her brother. 
— well, special girl?
Oh god, at least she isn't homophobic.
— I just met her a week ago! — I sat at my mom's side. — I can't decide that yet. —
She giggled.

— okay, enough chit-chat, hon. Go change.
My mom said as she fixed my hair.
— change? Where are we going?
— to visit your grandma. — she sighed. — we haven't seen her in a while.
I hummed. I missed my nana, so I liked this idea.

I stood up and went to change. My room was messy, but not too much. I took my pretty clothes out. I stood with my back facing my posters and changed. You know, most of my posters in my wall are boys, and I feel as if they looked at me all the time, I don't like dressing down while looking at them, I feel like I'm being watched. I finished changing and I looked at myself in the mirror. I didn't look bad.

I took my necklace and put it on. Oops, I just remembered it doesn't have it's normal blue color. I hid it under the collar of my dress.

I walked out and put my hands together on my back.

— I'm ready ma.
She hummed and stood up.
— my, how pretty you look! — my aunt complimented me, and I smiled. — I still remember when you were just four, how cute your dresses were! — she patted my head. — you were so tiny, and A-... I could even lift you up in the air! — I giggled. Even if I knew what she was originally going to say, I aprecciated her trying to fix it.

My dad walked out of the room, dressed in what he always dresses. It fit him. I went to him and hugged him. He was fat, so hugs felt incredibly comforting.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12 ⏰

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