Chapter 3: New Friends

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The three of us moved back to let the rest of the class do their thing. The girl with gloves threw her ball even farther than me- and she didn't use her quirk apparently. I have to admit, it made me feel like a weak bug. I was tiny and with no physical force.

A little later, the final points were shown in a little transmition. I wasn't the last one! I felt relieved and smiled. Just a few seconds after Mina hugged me and squealed.
— We passed! We passed! I'm so happy! — she jumped up and down as I laughed. She was cuter than I remembered.

I saw everyone smile, except Midoriya. Oh shit, he was last. Poor boy. I was hoping to

— well, no one is getting expelled, it was all just a joke. — Aizawa smiled. — and you believe it. — everyone groaned. A girl with a big ponytail said it was obvious it was fake, and some agreed with her. I was just relieved I didn't have to search for any other school to go to.

We got back to the classroom, but just to grab our things and go back home. I was lucky that my bus stop was close to my house, but I still felt too tired. Maybe I would sleep a little in the bus, I don't know. Should I risk ending up farther from my house than I already am because of a little nap?... Probably not.

I was walking out while thinking about what I had to do next when a strong arm wrapped itself over my shoulders and pulled me towards someone, making me yelp.

— Hey! You're Akira Kanroji, right? My sis and I wanna talk to you! — I looked over at the boy who talked, who was the same that pulled me towards him. It was a (very handsome-) dark-skinned boy, smiling. He had shiny black hair that was fairly messy, and he seemed to be someone very possitive- I don't know, I could tell. I felt my face heat and I couldn't even let out a word. So much was happening. — well, my sis liked your quirk a lot! Would you mind explaining it to us? — he grinned. — By the way, my name is Carlos Gomez, and my sis is- AH! — a girl (who looked like a copy of the boy) pulled him away from me by his ear, frowning.

— Carlos, personal space! Look how she's now, she can't even talk! — oh. They're actually a lot taller than me. The girl sighed and put her hand out to shake, smiling awkwardly. — name's Corazon Gomez, but you can call me Corazon. You know, so you don't mix up both of us. — I shook her hand embarassed. She was also incredibly pretty, and I was fighting the urge to start throwing compliments at her. — and yeah, I did want to talk to you. Your quirk seems cool, but I don't know what to call it, would you mind explaining? —

— oh, not at all! — I took my hand off hers and put my palm up, a little red light appeared in it, and it made some little stars appear, they appeared to be dancing. — it's called artistic objects, and I can make real anything I draw. — I pause to yawn. – but every object makes me more and more sleepy. — both of them looked at me in awe. — and what are your quirks? — I looked at them, excited to see them do their magic.

The girl, or well, Corazón, streched out her arm towards an object with a serious face as she started explaining. — my quirk is Telekinesis. It's quite simple, I can just move objects a little. — the little object, which was actually a box, was pulled towards her hand. I hummed and smiled.
— waaah, that's so cool! I wish I had a quirk like that. But hey, then what's with the cool gloves? Are they part of it? — she seemed to panic a little, goddamit, i'm too nosy again.

— o-oh well, it's uh, it's a, well- —
— it's a fashion statement! — Carlos butted in. — she likes how it looks and uses them all the time! I don't know how she doesn't get hot using them, but she won't tell me. — he chuckled and wrapped his arm around her sister's shoulders. — my little baby sister is so silly, aren't you? — he ruffled her hair as if dhe was a little kif, and she started to protest and trying to get him away.
— we're literaly twins! Stop with that shit! — they kept play fighting with me watching.

𝔻𝕣𝕒𝕨 𝕐𝕠𝕦𝕣 𝔻𝕖𝕤𝕥𝕚𝕟𝕪 ⋆。°✩   a MHA OC story Where stories live. Discover now