2. Re-encounter

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"I know this is sudden, but may I have the pleasure of taking you out for dinner?"

He can't really mean it. He is probably trying to mock me. There is no way he could like me this fast. And I definitely was not looking my best back then and even right now, so what made him ask me that question?

"Uh, you don't mean it, do you?" I asked, sliding only one or two inches away from him.

"I do mean it! But if you don't want to, I understand. It's probably awkward being approached like this," he says as he averts his eyes away and begins picking at his nails. He inhales and hesitates to speak for a moment. "After you left the bus I realized that we were going to the same city and I saw you walking around for a while. You seem like a nice person," says the man while smiling and looking all flustered.

I begin to bite the inside of my cheek out of pressure. I really do feel like he is making fun of me. There is no evidence, but I've got a feeling that this is all just a joke. But what would happen if I said yes? Would he make at least one day a lot more interesting? I need change in my life for once. It has become so monotonous.

I stop biting the inside of my cheek and finally come to a conclusion.

Just a simple answer is needed. If he asks for an explanation later, I'll give it to him. "Uh..." I examine his deep blue eyes in an attempt to read his feelings. I am not sure if I want to go on a date with this dude. "Maybe," I say looking into his eyes. "I understand if you don't want to, it's just..." he says while ripping off a piece of skin on his finger. It begins to bleed. "I really want to go out with you. It's alright, I won't push it," he continues as his voice descends into a lower, and more natural tone. I feel remorse for him now. He was eager to go on a date with me.

"Actually, I wouldn't mind," I say. He beams at me while saying, "Really?" He almost bolts off of the bench. He's smiling so wide and I notice his sharp, canine-like teeth.

Honestly, I'm not upset with my decision for once. I am proud of myself. I felt my lips curl up involuntarily.

He sits back down and says, "Can we meet at the diner you work at? Probably at around 8:00 tomorrow?"


Did I hear that right? "The diner you work at?" This is becoming even more creepy than it already was. I feel my heart thudding through my chest. My stomach feels like I'm on a roller coaster, like a sharp, piercing feeling. The atmosphere is filled by an awfully long silence. It feels like everything is moving in slow motion, like the man has me right where he wants me and I cannot do a single thing about it.

If I'm not calm, I'll only end up making the situation worse than it already is.

"What makes you think I work at a diner?" I ask, attempting to keep my voice from quivering, or looking nervous in general. His eyebrows furrow.

"Sorry. That sounds weird," he says as he awkwardly rubs the back of his neck. "I walk past the diner you work at sometimes. I always want to walk in there to ask you out, but I've got cold feet. I can't do it. And just by coincidence I spotted you here at the park. I felt like it was a good opportunity to finally ask you out," he explains. I cannot tell if he's lying. He's probably telling the truth. I don't think anybody would go out of their way to follow me out of all the people in the world. I feel so weird. I'm afraid, yet curious. I want to understand this man, and learn why I seem so interesting to him, but I know it is definitely a bad idea. He could possibly be a criminal.

And if he is a criminal, am I his first victim?

He scoots even closer to me, and smiles. "So will you show up?"

You know what, it doesn't even matter. If something does end up happening to me, it's not like it really matters. I did end up good for nothing. However, if this is a situation that will benefit me, it's worth a shot. "I wouldn't mind," I mumble and as I kick a little pebble close to where my shoe was. I'm scared but excited at the same time. "See you tomorrow!" the man yells as he walks away. I think it's time for me to go as well. The sun has set.

I arrive at the apartment complex and walk up what feels like an infinite amount of stairs.

I'm just so tired. Tired of everything.

I unlock the door to my unit silently, trying not to disturb the couple hooking up in the room across from me. I hurry to my room and melt into the comforting embrace of my bed. It's been a long day. My window is open again. I wonder who keeps opening it. I try to fall asleep, but seconds, minutes, and even hours pass by. My sleep schedule is wrecked.

As I notice my window being opened somehow, I finally fall asleep.

(922 Words)

i had to publish sooner or later so mb this chapter is rlly short

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