Chapter Twelve: Bookmark

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And you only grew closer to him as time went on.

“Captain Aizen, is there anything else you’d like?” Lieutenant Hinamori asked.

“Ah, no thank you Hinamori.” The captain smiled. A knock on the door interrupted them. “Come in.” The door slid open and you walked in.

“Kon'nichiwa, Captain Aizen,” you bowed.

_________, it is nice to see you again.” His smile was sweeter than the one he gave his lieutenant. “May I ask why you are here?”

“Ah, um…” You blushed slightly. “Well, the Head Captain sent me with some papers that seemed to have been looked over by your squad, sir.”

“I see. Hinamori, you are dismissed. _________, you may stay and help me, if you are able to.”

“Ah, y-yes Captain.” Nodding, you set the stack of papers on his desk as Lieutenant Hinamori started to leave. She glared at you without the captain seeing. You ignored it. It wasn’t the first time she sent you dirty looks.

After she was gone, he looked at the papers and chuckled. “_________, these are not the paperwork we handed in.” You blushed, looking down at your hands. “I suppose this was an excuse to come see me?” Your blushed deepened, and he chuckled again. “Come here _________.” You went over to him, and he put a hand on your shoulder. "_________  you really love seeing me, don’t you?” You nodded, unable to speak. “Why is that?” You got all flustered. How were you supposed to tell him how you felt about him? It was probably a wrong idea to even consider it, but you still had feeling for him.

He noticed your hesitation, and patted your shoulder. “You don’t have to tell me.” He smiled, his eyes closed slightly.

“O-Okay…” You smiled back, happy that you could at least be with him as close friends.

Smiling, he kissed your forehead gently. “It’s late, and I’m sure your captain is impatient for you to get back, so get going.” His smile never left his face as you nodded and left.


This memory caused you pain. He used you like everyone else, maybe even more. He knew, he knew, about your feelings. And he used them. So easily.

Just the thought made you feel bitter and the rush of hatred overpowered your love for him. It was always like this. Your feelings were disappearing quickly. They were nothing but figments of a dream that was never a possibility.

“So, _________ ” His voice cut through your thoughts. “Are we just going to sit here and do nothing this whole time?” You noticed he had sat against the wall opposite from you.

“If it means you don’t touch me, that’s exactly what we’re going to do,” You snapped at him. He only chuckled lightly. “I wouldn’t advise being so relaxed around me. I’m not the same weak girl you tricked.”

“Ah, but you’re still the same sweet girl I knew.” You glared at him, which caused him to chuckle again. “And it seems like you still have that cute face that always got me when you were mad.” You stayed neutral. His flirty comments didn’t get to you anymore. Well, on the outside anyway. “Are you really that different from the _________ I knew?”


He sighed, his smile gone. “Why?”

“You did it, moron.”

Matsumoto's Party (Bleach Fanfiction) [Completed]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant