Even a pro can use help

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This heavy burden to be the best. I took over for Mr.Yoshida when my training was done. Although that came at a very big price. Everyone was so used to him that it took a while for them to warm up to me... but that's alright. I'm slowly getting better and better at this every day thanks to Mr.Yoshida guiding me. I will come up with a story that everyone will love.

Suddenly a knock interrupted my thinking. "Come in." I say allowing the person to enter....

"Oh... I hope I'm not interrupting something here..." Deku says as he walks into the room. "Oh no you're not interrupting anything. To what do I owe the pleasure of the number one hero coming to visit me?" I ask as Mr.Yoshida steps out of the room. "I came to check on your condition. Being crushed in the reck must've been scary and painful." Deku says taking a seat next to the hospital bed. "Oh I'm feeling quite alright. In fact the doctor said I am really lucky that you guys saved me when you did. My injuries were kept to a minimum with only a broken leg that'll heal relatively fast, but... I do want to thank you guys as well. Mainly you Deku." I say which catches him off guard. "Thank me? Thank me for what? Saving you?" He asks. "No... for believing me when the other two had their doubts." I say honestly. Deku nods and sighs slightly. "I actually came here to ask you some questions. On behalf of the incident. Your quirk photographic memory. How exactly does it work?" He asks. I think for a second. I never really thought I'd be asked this question in my life.

"Photographic memory is a quirk that allows me to remember everything in fine detail. However I can only remember everything when my quirk is activated. For example I can read an entire encyclopedia from cover to cover without my quirk and only remember certain parts, but with my quirk activated I'm able to remember every fine detail on every word and every page. Only up to 2 years then the memories start to fade. If I over use my quirk then I suffer migraines and sometimes I even black out. Because my brain is too stuffed to function the rest of my body." I say explaining every detail of my quirk to the number one hero. He nods in amusement "So back at the bank. Before the explosion, were you using your quirk by chance?" He asks. I nod closing my eyes to rewatch the memory. "I used my quirk from the time I went in to the second you freed me from under that slab." I say. "I would like to know, was there anyone or anything there that shouldn't have been in a bank before the explosion?" Deku asks. This question really is kind of an odd one, but regardless I look. "So far nothing out of the ordinary.... The only thing I can tell shouldn't have been there is that weird ball of ice, the wires and the bomb." I say paying close attention to my memory. "The bomb was there a company number or anything?" He asks with a slight bit of hope in his voice. "34871 JH is what I can read on the bomb." I say as my eyes squeeze shut trying to relax my muscles so it's easier to control my quirk. "Thank you Ms.Ozawa! This has been a huge help. Actually, I have a question to ask. Have you ever thought of joining the pros and become a sidekick? Your quirk could be quite useful." Deku says. I shrug my shoulders in response. "Haven't given it much thought really... ever since I was a little girl I knew I wanted to be an investigator until one day I saw Mr.Yoshida on TV. That's why I decided to go to college to become a news anchor." I say playing with my fingers. Deku nods in understanding. "I see. Well if you ever want to see what it's like to be a side kick here's my business card." He says handing me a card and standing. "Ms.Ozawa I wish you a speedy recovery." He says before leaving. "Thank you."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12 ⏰

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