🚲: *Picks up the phone* Hello? El? I was just about to go over there right now! Just leaving my homework at home.

🧇: We need to talk...

🚲: Uhh... did I do something?

🧇: No... but I did... and I don't think I should tell you, but the point is... I think we should end things...

🚲: What!? El, is this some sick prank? Ha ha... you're joking right..?

🧇: No Mike... I'm serious. I just don't feel a spark anymore... Y- you can't even tell me you love me..!

🚲: E- El... you're being ridiculous! Of course I feel like that towards you! I don't have to say it to prove it! If you don't believe I do, than maybe you just don't trust me.

🧇: Oh really? Feel what? Huh? You still can't say it...

🚲: I- I really care about you El... don't you get it?


🚲: There is no need to y-

🧇: "Care, care, care, care, care" ALL YOU EVER DO IS "CARE" NOT "LOVE"

🚲: Okay, seriously!? I can't believe you right now! Don't expect me to be there at the cabin, because I won't!

🧇: I really could care less... goodbye Mike. *hangs up*

- At Max's House

🛹: *House phone ringing* MOM COULD YOU GET THAT!!

🥃: Okay Hun. *Picks up the phone* Hello? This is Susan on the phone.

🚲: Uhhh Max's Mom?

🥃: Yes..? Are you a friend of her's?

🚲: Somewhat... Could you put her on the phone?

🥃: Of course sweetie, MAX! ITS ONE OF YOUR FRIENDS!

🛹: (Shit... I really hope it's not Lucas or El) Okay! Coming!

🥃: She'll be here in a second

🚲: Ok...

🛹: *Takes the phone* Hello?

🚲: Max.

🛹: Mike..? What do you want from me.

🚲: Okay, listen, I don't wanna make this any longer than it has to be.

🛹: Whatever, just tell me what you need

🚲: So, you're like friends with El now right?

🛹: Yeah... why..?

🚲: Do you know anything about, uhh, the reason that El broke up with me?

🛹: She broke up with you?

🚲: Yeah, do you know why?

🛹: Maybe... but I can't tell you that.

🚲: Why??? She said she "did something bad"

🛹: That's exactly why.

🚲: Could you at least talk to her? I really just want to work things out with her!

🛹: No Mike... Sorry, but if she doesn't want to date you, you need to accept it.

🚲: And you wonder why I hate you...

🛹: Oh come on Mike! I seriously did nothing to you! I'm trying to protect you right now! She doesn't want to date you and she feels strongly about that! Trust me, she told me!

🚲: ... Whatever... *hangs up*

Max's POV:

That kid has some issues. "Blah blah blah blah" That's all he does. I wonder if El told him about the kiss... Why would she end things with him??? I'm not even going to date her either way, so she's just losing the only other person that loves her! I know he loves her, even if he won't admit it.

Wait... what did I just say? Did I just say "the only other person that loves her" ??? I just said I loved her... There's no way... I've never said that about anyone..! But, it... it felt nice to say... Do I really like El??? I- I might...





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