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"Very Electric Kool-Aid , Abby."

"I was thinking more Blue Man Group," Abby replied.

Lauren hummed, watching Abby hover the two long tubular blue lights over the string and tilted her head. "Maybe Star Wars a bit? Very Obi-Wan."

"Oo! Nice one Renny!"

Lauren smiled proudly at Abby as she crouched beside Gibbs watching as the blue light revealed gleaming green markings over the string.

"Sergeant Fuentes's chute wasn't the only one tampered with."

"How many of them were?" Lauren asked.

"Nine out of sixteen," Kate answered. "Logbook signatures show different riggers packed the lot."

"How many did Corporal Dafelmair pack?"

"Four." Kate told Gibbs looking down at the notes before she passed it over to Lauren who wanted to have a look, "The rest were packed by Corporal Brinkman and Sergeant Fuentes."

Tony crossed his arms, his brows furrowed as he looked over Lauren's shoulder, "Corporal Ramsey didn't pack any?"

"Nope." Kate shook her head, "When his signature didn't show on a single chute I called Captain Faul. Hed put Corporal Ramsey on a two-week rigging suspension for sloppy work. And guess who wrote him up for sloppy work?"

Lauren let out an exhausted breath and shut the folder, "Our old pal, Senior Rigger, Sergeant Fuentes."

Kate pressed her lips together and nodded in confirmation to which Lauren groaned lightly. She hated the idea of these men working so closely together and for nothing turning on a friend of theirs. It would be like one of the NCIS team doing the same. Impossible.

"We got a motive!"

"We got more than that," Abby put the blue lights away, "Kate and I have a theory."

Tony held a hand to his heart and pouted at his colleague, "Why didn't you take to me this fast?"

"You're like a piercing, Tony." Abby sighed, "It takes a while for the throbbing to stop and the skin to grow back."

Lauren helped back a laugh and sent the man a tight smile, her eyes bright with mirth as she pat his shoulder kindly.

"That's more than I want to know," Tony smirked down at the blond who huffed at him rolling her eyes before moving to follow Abby through the lab.

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