Chapter 4: My Clones Tried to Buy the Bakery. Twice.

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Every movement was a chore, Mark's body a symphony of aches groaning in protest. Creating clones, once a breeze in his mind, now left him drained. He slumped beneath a shady tree, the System's warnings about energy depletion echoing in his skull.

A discordant symphony of battle cries and cheers shattered the peace. Dread clenched Mark's gut. This was a new kind of chaos. With a weary flick of his mind, he summoned the notification menu. Three identical quest logs blinked into existence, each titled "Gather Information!" punctuated by increasingly frantic exclamation points.

Clone Mark #3 was "interrogating" a bewildered badger with a stick, mistaking its irritated growls for enemy secrets. Clone Mark #4, fueled by a shared memory gone wrong, had become best friends with a band of goblins, belting out a drinking song that made Mark wince.

But Clone Mark #2, the researcher, held the key. In his zealous quest for knowledge, he'd ransacked the village library, mistaking quantity for quality. Scrolls and books littered the square, and a frantic librarian chased after the clone, who clutched a tome on goblin warfare like a priceless treasure.

Despite the pandemonium, a smile tugged at Mark's lips. This chaos held possibility. Pushing himself to his feet, he saw a chance to turn the situation around.

With a few mental commands, the clones were redeployed. Clone Mark #3 became a surprisingly effective goblin translator, their drunken song revealing a hidden bandit ambush. Clone Mark #4 corralled the rambunctious goblins into a semblance of order. At the center of the whirlwind, Clone Mark #2, now the self-proclaimed leader, orchestrated a book retrieval operation that transformed the square into a whirlwind of activity.

The once-flustered librarian watched in stunned amazement as the clones, led by Clone Mark #2 heaving a hefty tome onto a makeshift table, rebuilt the library with surprising efficiency. Mark even managed to smooth things over with the librarian thanks to a well-timed charm offensive from another clone.

Under Mark's guidance, the clones pieced together a plot: goblins planned to ambush a caravan carrying magical artifacts. This was their chance. Mark could warn the caravan, gain their favor, and maybe even claim a share of the treasures.

As twilight settled, casting long shadows across the square, Mark surveyed the scene with a newfound sense of hope. The library stood mostly restored, a few misplaced love poems the only casualty. More importantly, the clones, despite their chaotic tendencies, held immense potential. With focused leadership, they could become the key to navigating this strange new world, one absurd situation at a time.

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