16: The Cure

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-P I P E R-

Jade and Piper ran ahead to get the serum from Brenda, who was apparently waiting for them in the aircraft. Newt couldn't make it back in time, the boy couldn't walk and his breathes were almost gasps of desperation.

Piper and Jade pulled each other through the crowds of protestors, who were shooting at the WCKD workers. They dodged every explosion, watching as innocent people died brutally because of WCKD- every gunshot reminded Piper of Chuck.

Abruptly, Jade stopped running, her eyes widening as she turned back to Piper, who held her hands in support as she stumbled slightly.

"What is it?" Piper asked in concern, "What's wrong?"

"Piper, I-" Jade reached up to her neck and pulled out a dart like needle, which had shot itself into her skin. Piper caught her body as Jade descended to the floor.

Within the commotion, Janson approached the two girls quickly with the dart gun in his hands. Piper noticed his hand trembling slightly- doubting his capability of being able to aim and shoot another dart at her. She noticed how dark his eyes were, not just with rage but with sickness- a certain sickness that made sweat beads drip from his forehead.

Piper desperately tried to drag Jade's body away from the man, who walked towards them quicker and quicker. Instead of shooting a dart out of the gun, Janson pointed the rear of the gun at the girl's head, before aggressively whacking it around the side of her face. Piper collapsed to the floor quickly, a high pitched noise rang in her ears as her face planted into the concrete below her.

A darkness clouded her vision.


Her eyes fluttered open slowly, the world coming into focus once more as her eyes adjusted to the bright light above her. Piper went to raise an arm to touch the wound on her throbbing head, though quickly realised her wrists were being strapped down to the chair she was in by leather belts.

"What the fuck?" Piper groaned, as she attempted to break free of her restraints. She panicked when she saw Janson and Teresa, who was holding a large needle in her hand, "What the fuck!"

"Piper, hey. Pipes!" Jade was in a chair next to her, looking sympathetically at the girl, "You're head. Are you okay?"

Piper got distracted when Teresa walked over to Jade, holding the large needle, and rolling up the girl's sleeve. Jade glared at the girl, flinching slightly as the needle pierced her skin.

"Wait, wait! What is that?" Piper asked protectively, "What are you doing to her?"

"I'm taking her blood." Teresa explained softly, "I'm running some tests, Piper. I'm so close to finding a cure-"

"Fuck your cure!" Jade snapped angrily, before locking eyes with Janson. She muttered, "Fuck you."

Janson scoffed sarcastically, "So angry, yet I don't recall meeting you..."

"You killed my brother." Jade's voice trembled with sadness, as she shot glares at the man who approached her, "Diego Ramirez."

Janson pretended to ponder, though replied spitefully, "That name doesn't ring a bell, I'm afraid. I'm sure he was useful while he lasted. But, some kids just aren't cut out to save the world-"

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