7: Right Arm

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-J A D E-

The Right Arm was exactly how Jade remembered it, however, in the two months she had gone it had tripled in size. People of all ages scattered around the area, setting up new tents and bringing new supplies in. Though, no matter how good she felt, Jade had a pit of sadness in her stomach. Her throat burned at the thought of her brother- this place was the last place that she had seen him.

Jade had thought of every possible option- maybe he had ran away, maybe he got scared again, maybe he got lost within the mountains. Jade had searched for weeks before setting off to search the Scorch, though no traces were left of him- almost as if he had just vanished off the face of the earth.

"You lived here?" Piper asked her one-millionth question in the space of five minutes.

"Yeah." Jade nodded, as she pointed at a gathering of tents in the distance, "I slept in that tent, furthest to your left on the end."

"Sweet." Piper replied, kicking the small rocks beneath her feet, though Jade knew she would ask more questions as the day went on.

"You're lucky you found us when you did, we're moving out at first light." Sonya informed the group, as they walked over towards a familiar man that Jade recognised.

"Ramirez?" The man questioned curiously, "I didn't expect you back here, kid."

Vince had taken in Jade and her brother when their parents got murdered by WCKD; Jade never knew much about her parents, but Vince was the closest thing she had to one.

"Hi, Vince." Jade side-hugged the man, before asking, "Anything?"

"I'm sorry, kid." Vince smiled softly, "I got nothing, and trust me, I did look for him. Sorry, Jade." He looked at the group of teenagers behind her, "Who are they?"

"They're Immunes." Harriet explained, "I know this guy, Aris, and I trust him."

"Well, I don't." Vince replied, "Did you check 'em?"

Suddenly, Brenda gasped for air as she collapsed onto the floor, causing the group to gather around her. Jorge rushed over to her quickly, grabbing her shoulders and holding her body weight. Jade bent down next to her, gently stroking the sweat beads off of her forehead.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry." Brenda gasped weakly, "I'm sorry-"

Vince bent down next to Jorge, frowning in concern as his eyes examined the girls weak body. He cautiously pulled up Brenda's trouser leg, revealing a fresh bite wound. Vince grabbed his gun and aimed it at the girl, "Crank! We got a Crank!"

"No!" Jorge shouted, as two of Vince's men held him back, "No! Let me go!"

Jade stood to her feet quickly, rushing in front of Brenda but Thomas got there first. The boy insisted, "Hey! Listen, listen. This just happened, she's not dangerous yet!"

"You shouldn't of brought her here!" Vince shouted, "Step back!"

"Please!" Thomas pleaded, "I told her you could help. There's gotta be something you could do."

"Yeah, there is something I could do." Vince nodded, before loading his gun, "I could put her out of her misery-"

"No!" Jade yelled, as she approached Vince so closely that his gun pressed against her chest. She lowered her voice, as tears swelled in her eyes, "Don't do this, Vince. Please! She's like my sister-"

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