
The read went on for a bit, until it finally came to the page where Harper, alongside with the other teens get to start. Harper was ready, clearing her throat and everything.


The five teens were all together in one of their bedrooms, one of them was in front of a laptop, researching in the new invention, everyone else surrounding him, intrigued.

Zachary(Malachi): "This looks like a scam."

Addisyn(Momona): "Based off the science and the people who bought it, it's not. But I can't blame you, it's crazy how a person can just invent something that makes you ten times as smart as you are."

Julie Anne(McKenna): "Bought it? How much do people pay for this?"

Jonah changes the google search to "How much is the Neurogenesis?" The whole groups eyes widen, a small gasp croaks from Addisyn.

Anyia(Harper): "It's free? Why would they make such advanced technology free?"

Jonah scans through the website, reading it carefully.

Jonah(Walker): "I guess Dr. Helena Weiss wants the world to be.. smarter? Millions of people have already signed the contract to get the Neurogenesis in their brain. And this is just the online submissions."

Jonah points at a number on the screen, the whole group seeing as the numbers go up in insane amounts of speed.

Addisyn(Momona): "You guys think our parents or other family members happen to be one of those many people? If so, wouldn't we get wrapped around this?"

Zachary(Malachi): "My mom said that that is was obviously a scam. And I don't blame her. So it's safe to say that I'm not doing this."

Jonah sighs, shaking his head.

Jonah(Walker): "Me and Julie Anne are most likely doing it."

Julie Anne(McKenna): "Shut up, how?!"

Jonah(Walker): "Remember? Uncle David form moms side? He works for Helena Headquarters. Moms been talking to me about it, we might be getting chips inside our brain."

Julie Anne smacks herself in the forehead, a longing sigh.

Julie Anne(McKenna): "I don't want a chip in my brain! What if it malfunctions, and next thing you know, I start lagging.. in real time."

Zachary(Malachi): "Maybe you don't need to worry about it? I mean, the chip goes into brains, so.."

Julie Anne smacks Zachary on the arm, Zachary flinches back as he places a hand over his arm. The scene cuts back to the laboratory, where stood Helena and David.


As the table read concludes, the room erupts with applause and cheers, having successfully run through almost the entire script. Discussions ensue about script changes, character development, and other related matters.

Shawn claps his hands together to regain attention. "Alright, that wraps it up for now. Some of you have schoolwork to attend to, so I'll release the five of you to your trailers or elsewhere, while I keep the three adults here," he announces. Groans escape from the teenagers at the mention of "schoolwork."

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