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HARPER awoke in her trailer, feeling the peculiar tingling of her tongue and the slight numbness of her lips, signs of a too-deep slumber. Despite it being her first day on set, she had already succumbed to sleep, having arrived just a few hours prior to filming. Director Shawn Levy had assured her he'd have her on set in no time, but what felt like a moment had turned into over an hour.

With a grunt, she stretched herself awake, disentangling from the cozy blanket draped over her legs. A craving for freshness led her to reach for a mint from her backpack, popping it into her mouth like a pill.

The trailer door rattled, a knock interrupting her solitude and causing a slight startle. "Yes?" she called out, opening the door to find a boy her age, with blonde, curly hair and bright blue eyes.

"Hey, sorry to bother you. Shawn needs you— us for the table read. Do you need a minute?" he asked, a shy smile playing on his lips. Harper shook her head. "Yes, I mean— no. I'm ready. We can go." With a friendly smile, she closed the trailer door behind her and followed the curly-haired boy to the set.

"Name's Walker," he says, extending his hand for a shake. "I already know who you are. We met at the chemistry read, remember?" Harper chuckles awkwardly, shaking his hand. Walker nods. "Oh, right, ..Harper! I have short term memory, it's bad." he jokes, snickering.

Harper shrugs, smiling softly. "I also recall you're the same guy from Percy Jackson."

"I'm not from Percy Jackson, I am Percy Jackson," he teases, injecting a playful tone into his voice. Harper scoffs and smiles. "Sassy on the first day? Can't even imagine."

As they approach a small building, they enter and find themselves in a conference room, where the table read is about to take place. Harper's eyes widen with excitement as she sees the main cast assembled: Jennifer Lawrence, Malachi Barton, McKenna Grace, Momona Tamada, Ryan Reynolds, Emma Stone, and Shawn Levy.

Harper and Walker take seats next to each other, with Momona on her other side. Eager to begin, Harper awaits the start of the table read.

"There they are," Ryan smiles, his hands resting on the table. "Sorry for the delay, folks, but we're here now, so lets not start complaining." he jokes, eliciting a few giggles from the table.

Shawn smiles, nodding as he addresses the group. "Now that we're all here, shall we begin?" The table nods in agreement, flipping open their scripts to the first page.

"Scripts ready? Alright, let's dive in," Shawn says, taking a sip of his coffee before starting the read as the narrator, setting the stage for the story.

❝𝑮𝑹𝑬𝑬𝑵 𝑹𝑶𝑴𝑨𝑵𝑪𝑬❞ {𝑾. 𝑺𝑪𝑶𝑩𝑬𝑳𝑳}Where stories live. Discover now