Chapter 14: In the Mood?

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Fox leaned back in his seat, placing a hand over his heart in mock admiration, causing the group to erupt in laughter.

"Hey, everybody," Reign greeted, waving as she scooted in next to Onyx. Jasper quickly grabbed a chair from a nearby table and pulled it up to the booth, joining the group with a warm smile.

The energy at the table buzzed with excitement and joy as old friends reunited, their banter and playful teasing filling the air.

Raven waved down a passing waiter and placed an order for a round of absinthe and ale for the table, along with a basket of curly fries and jerk curry wings. As the waiter scurried off to fulfill the order, in walked Ellery, Moss, and Lily-Rose. The whole gang was finally together, except for Indigo and Oisin, who were on duty at the castle that night, as Thorn had mentioned earlier.

Excited greetings and hugs were exchanged as Jasper greeted Moss with a dap and Honey enveloped Lily-Rose in a warm hug. The group at the table was now complete, and the energy of the gathering only intensified with the arrival of the new arrivals.

The waiter returned moments later with the drinks, setting them down on the table. Yara cleared her throat and stood up on her chair, raising her glass to make a toast to her friends.

"To the most beautiful and dynamic group of Fae I've ever met," Yara began, her voice filled with emotion. "Thank you for always being there for one another and never letting the good times pass. I love you guys so much. Cheers!"

Everyone at the table raised their glasses in unison, the clinking of glass against glass ringing out in the air. They each took their shots, the fiery liquid warming their throats as they shared in this moment of camaraderie.

After taking two more shots, the ladies in the group were feeling the music and ready to hit the dance floor. Reign grabbed Yara's hand and led her to the center of the room, where they began to move to the rhythm of the reggae music that Honey had requested from the DJ booth.

Honey swayed her hips in time with the beat, her eyes sparkling with joy as she watched her friends enjoy themselves on the dance floor. Moss and Jasper, meanwhile, made their way over to the pool table and started up a friendly game, their competitive spirits adding to the lively atmosphere of the bar.

Thorn headed over to the bar and ordered a round of beers for everyone, wanting to keep the good times flowing. Just then, Dawn, Thorn's younger brother and the owner of Mood Bar, emerged from his office in the back, surprised to see his brother among the patrons.

"I thought I sensed the local riffraff enter my establishment," Dawn teased, his eyes dancing with amusement as he looked at Thorn.

Thorn turned with a smirk, his eyes twinkling with mischief before he got up from his seat to give his younger brother a warm hug. The bond between the two brothers was evident in the way they interacted, their banter and teasing a reflection of the deep love and connection they shared.

"Wassup Dawn, how've you been, man?" Thorn asked, settling back onto the bar stool.

"I'm doing pretty good. You'd know that if you ever came down and gave your brother a proper visit," Dawn teased, motioning to Ginger the bartender for two shots of rum.

Thorn rubbed his neck, shaking his head. "I know, D. I've been meaning to stop by for a while. I've just been busy as hell, which still isn't an excuse for not checking in on you, bro. My bad."

"Don't sweat it, T, for real. I know Captain MoonShadow has his hands full," Dawn replied with a chuckle.

Ginger returned swiftly with their drinks, placing them on the bar before attending to other patrons. She winked seductively at Thorn, but he seemed oblivious to her advances as he grabbed his drink.

"I do want to let you know, I'm proud of you, Dawn. You've got yourself a real masterpiece here," Thorn said, motioning to the room. "I can tell you took your time with it and put your heart and soul into it. I'm proud of you, baby bro."

Thorn raised his glass to Dawn and took his shot, while Dawn nodded back in appreciation and drank his rum as well, feeling the warmth of the sweet, dark alcohol spread through his body.

"Thanks, Thorn. That means a lot," Dawn said, a genuine smile lighting up his face as he looked at his brother with gratitude for his words of encouragement and support. The bond between the two brothers was strong, and moments like these reminded them of the deep connection they shared, no matter how busy life got.

As the night progressed, the whole gang was out on the dance floor, having a blast. Onyx and Ellery were trying to relive their old breakdancing days, spinning and pop locking with impressive skill, while Lily-Rose and Raven danced circles around them, adding their own flair to the mix.

Yara sneaked off to the table to catch her breath and grab a drink of water. A few other patrons of the bar came over, giving her a quick bow of acknowledgment and saying hey before quickly returning to the dance floor. Yara was completely satisfied with how her day had gone, feeling grateful for the friends she had around her.

Reign came over to the table to rest her feet for a while. "My feet are killing me. I think my age is finally catching up to me," she laughed, sinking into a chair.

Reign pulled out her phone and sent a message to her girlfriend, Anastasia, asking if she wanted to come hang out with them. However, she received no reply. She quickly placed the phone back in her pocket and took a sip of her beer, trying not to let the slight disappointment dampen her mood. She was surrounded by friends who cared about her, and that was what truly mattered in the end, Right?

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