Chapter 15: Fight or Flight

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In the dark silence of night, Anastasia was on the other side of Main Street on a quest. King Geo had discreetly stopped by her cottage earlier that morning, giving her orders to sneak into Midnight Nightingale and steal the rose quartz ring talisman out of its display case.

Anastasia moved with the stealth of a cat in hunt, quickly climbing down the side of the building and making her way to the front door. She took one last look around, ensuring no one had seen her before picking the locks on the door and slipping inside. Closing the door quietly behind her, she made her way through the shadows with careful steps.

Spotting the exact display case Geo had told her about, Anastasia moved with fluid motions and calculated movements towards it. Just as she reached out for the ring, she caught a glimpse of a black shadow coming towards her at lightning speed. In the nick of time, she dodged out of the way, narrowly avoiding a collision.

It was Edger, Raven's familiar, who had come to investigate the disturbance. "What are you doing here?" Edger asked, his voice low and cautious in the dimly lit room.

Anastasia remained silent, her focus solely on obtaining the talisman. She couldn't afford to return to King Geo empty-handed. "I'll ask you one last time, what are you doing here?" Edger's voice rang out, filled with a mix of concern and suspicion.

Ignoring Edger's question, Anastasia's adrenaline surged as she smashed the glass display case with a swift, determined blow. The shards scattered like stardust, revealing the coveted rose quartz ring nestled within. But Edger, the relentless raven, wasn't about to let her escape unscathed. With a high-pitched caw, he lunged at her once more, his razor-sharp claws slicing deep into her arm.

Anastasia stifled a muffled scream, her eyes flashing with unyielding determination as she reached for the ring. The talisman glimmered under the dim light, its rose quartz facets casting a spell of allure. But before her fingers could fully encircle it, Edger swooped in again, his talon-like claws snatching at her hair. She fought against the bird's relentless grip, her knuckles white as she clung to the precious object.

In a split-second decision, Anastasia's mind raced. She dove into her pocket, fingers brushing against the cool surface of the Goofer dust vial. Without hesitation, she flung the magical powder at Edger. The raven's wings faltered, and he plummeted to the ground, sedated and disoriented. His once-piercing eyes now held a dazed glimmer.

Seizing the opportunity, Anastasia darted from the shop, her footsteps silent as she melted into the inky darkness of the night. The rose quartz ring nestled in her palm, its energy pulsing against her skin—a stolen treasure, a secret kept between moon and shadow.

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