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i woke up early suddenly feeling a strong wave of nausea i ran to the bathroom to throw up. After i let ot out i went back to bed to not raise concern for my assistance.

After a few weeks still being sick every morning i thought it would be smart to go to the doctors, i still havent told anyone because if it is something life threatening i wouldnt want my people to worry.

I made my way to the doctors deciding to hide who i was because i didnt want to be bothered and for public uprise. I sat in the waiting room until my fake name i use to be in public was called. I went inside and told the doctor my symptoms, he gave me a piece of plastic and told me to pee on it, which i thought was weird and i even thought about revealing myself and having him executed for making me give him my pee. I eventually agreed because i just wanted to find out what was wromg and he told me he would ring me the next day to tell me what was up.

The next day i was anxiously waiting for the call which i eventually got at around 10:30am, and to my horror the doctor told me i was... pregnant.

Thousands of things rushed to my head at those few words. Pregnant?! how?! who was the dad?! And then i remembered. The president party and my time with the 2 potential fathers. Vladimir Putin of Russia and Donald Trump of the USA... This was going to be hard to tell them

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