Chapter 1: Feeling Lonely

Start from the beginning

Zim moved out of the way of a dead-end wall, making Professor crash his plane. This went on for some time. Whenever the professor tried to kill Zim, the Irken would always defeat him.

"I will never rest until I destroy you, Zim. And every other paranormal freak. If it's the last thing I ever do!" He lunged at him, tackling him down and throwing punches. Zim fought back and kicked him off the cliff they were on, sending him into the water.

The alien panted and wiped the blood off his split lips. "Fuck, that guy was annoying. Maybe there will be a place where creatures like me can go to get away from it all, and take a vacation. Who knows? Maybe even get married. Wouldn't that be something?"

As Zim walked away, Professor Membrane screamed under the water. He used an invention out of his jacket so he could breathe underwater. "I swear, Zim. You will rule the day you crossed Professor Membrane..."

----Present day----

Zim fidgeted as he waited for a male Irken's bride to walk down the aisle. Meanwhile in the crowd Tallest Red was trying to calm down his smeets. He was getting impatient "Oh, when is this thing starting?!" 

His smeets started crying. Clembrane looked at his friend with sympathy "Aw, you made them cry, Red. Oh, except this little one!" He patted her head "That's Zee. She doesn't cry."

Zee bit Clembrane's finger hard, leaving teeth marks "She bites." Zim turned to the nervous Irken "It's gonna be okay, Flobee. Your beautiful bride should be coming down that aisle any second now."

They looked down the aisle. No one walked down. "Oh no, Zim, she's not coming." His antennae drooped "Hey, it's okay. Tak is with her. I'm sure everything is under control."

Zim turned on his headset "Tak, is everything under control?" Tak answered "Uh, affirmative! Just dealing with some pre-wedding jitters."

The Irken bride cried. The stress made her PAK legs spring out and break a glass frame as well as cause hairspray to fly around the room. Tak stopped it with her own PAK leg "Yep. Everything is fine here."

"Please calm down, Kim. I've taken care of everything. The wedding is going to be perfect." Kim sniffled "It's not that. This is my first time having an everlasting mate. How do I know if I'm doing the right thing?"

So that was it. Tak smiled "Hey, I know how you feel. The day I married Gaz was the best day of my life, but I was so nervous."

Zim pitched in "Not as nervous as I was." Tak chuckled "And you should have seen my best friend. He was a mess." Zim nodded "I wouldn't get out of my bed that morning."

"But we knew it was meant to be. It does not matter where you come from or how different you are. When you find a mate and when you find the one you know deep down in your squeedilyspooch you are in love with, you have to cherish it. For it only happens once."

Kim teared up "You're right! Thank you!" Kim tried to hug Tak but she stopped her "Unless you want me impaled, I suggest you retract your PAK legs."

She looked around at the wreckage "Oh! Of course!" She retracted them and hugged Tak. "Alright alright. Now, let's get you down that aisle." 

When they were ready, Kim and Flobee held hands across from each other. "Do you take this woman to be your wife?!" Throbulator yelled "I do," Flobee said, love in his eyes. "And do you take this man to be your husband?!" 

"I do," Kim said with just as much love in her eyes "I now pronounce you husband and wife! Kiss!" The two kissed and the crowd cheered. Suddenly, a loud thumping noise was heard, getting closer with each second.

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