"Good morning, Mr. Randhawa!" Subramanyam exclaimed, while Kabir gave him a curt nod. As he asked him to sit, Kabir sat down, while Kiyansh stood beside his father, already in anticipation of what was coming.

"I got mail from school... specifically from you, Mr. Subramanyam, that you wished to see me. May I know the reason behind this sudden meeting?"

Subramanyam sighed dramatically, "I wouldn't have called you here, Kabir... after all, we are friends." Kabir glared at him, but it was wasted as the man was busy looking at his laptop screen, which he then turned towards him, "Well, you see this... it's Kiyansh's grades, not just monthly tests but the weekly tests too. Except for language, he isn't doing well in any other subjects. And as you might have seen, his report card too..."

"Report card?" Kabir asked, startled.

Subramanyam nodded, "Yes, we gave it yesterday only... didn't you see that?"

Kabir froze and snapped his head towards Kiyansh, who automatically flinched. No words were exchanged as both father and son knew the truth! Kabir saw the scared look, and Kiyansh was already cursing himself for all the stupidity he has done.

Kabir clenched his fist to control himself and looked back at the teacher, "Anything else I should know about?"

Subramany nodded, "Last month, I told you how mischievous your son is... as he is growing up, kids his age do that. But I wish he could keep his mischievous acts to himself and his friends rather than aiming them at the teachers."

Kabir frowned, "What does that mean?"

"Last week, he pranked one of his teachers by applying glue to her desk. Before that, he skipped his class and was on the ground passing his time... I would have called you too, but your number was always out of reach, and I didn't wish to talk about the matter outside of the school as it would be unprofessional. I hope you make him understand what's wrong and what's right... as he grows up, he should at least know the difference between the two."

Kabir stood up abruptly, "I will make sure this won't be repeated after today... Can I take him home... for today."

Subramanyam nodded. Without wasting a second, Kabir held his son's hand and guided him out. His long strides made Kiyansh hard to keep up the pace with his father, but without uttering a word, he followed quietly. He was scared... The angry look on his father's face always scared him, and he had given him enough reasons to be angry, all of which his father hated the most. He so wished to run away and come back when his father cooled off, but it felt like a dream only as Kabir pushed him inside the car, closing the door with a bang that made him jump in his place.

Kabir opened the door and he too sat down, his grip tightened on the steering wheel as he tried to control his anger, taking deep breaths. Misbehaving with someone... That too teachers? That was something he neither encouraged with his daughter nor would he encourage it with his son. Lying wasn't acceptable to him either, and the rest part was grades... that's when he realized something and looked at Kiyansh, who was already looking at him with those scared eyes. But for the first time, he steeled his heart against those looks...

"Show me your report card," he commanded sternly.

Kiyansh gulped and tried to give him a pleading look; however, his hands immediately went to his bag upon seeing the glare his father threw at him. Unknowingly, he dragged his sister into his mess, and that made him feel bad. With great deal of efforts, he took the card and forwarded it towards Kabir.

Kabir's eyes weren't stuck on the grades but on the sign... it was so similar that he was surprised and shocked. He looked at Kiyansh, who lowered his gaze immediately.

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