Chapter- 5

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It was 10 in the morning, and Kritika was pacing from one place to another like a pendulum, stressed. Her results were going to be announced within half an hour, and she was panicking. Every kind 'What if' thought was running through her brain. What if she failed? What if she disappointed her father? What if everyone else passed and she was the unlucky one who failed? What the hell would she do?

"Namak mirchi du Kritika?" Kabir's sharp voice fell in her ears. She turned back and looked at her father, who stepped out of the kitchen and glared at her. She immediately lowered her hand and looked away.

Kabir sighed. He held her and made her sit on the couch. She was chewing her nails, a habit he hates the most. He didn't wish to scold her, especially when she looked so distressed, but his child loves things the other way around always.

Kritika leaned into his touch and kept her head on his shoulder, "What if I fail, papa?"

Kabir let out a small sigh and wrapped his hand around her. Her casket was stuck at a few questions, and his answers were the same, but she was still apprehensive. He understood her, but he didn't like seeing too much distress on her face. He had enough trust in his kid that she would pass for sure. Ranks? That didn't matter to him, nor ever will!

Kritika poked him, breaking his thoughts, "What if I fail, Papa?"

"Then you can re-apply for your 10th."

"What if I disappoint you?"

"You won't."

"But agar...agar mein fail ho gayi and my friends....they will move on in their life and I will be the lacking one. what if sabh students pass ho jaye aur sirf mai akeli fail ho gayi ya...."

"Bss Kriti!" Kabir cut her off gently, "Can you give a break to your brain." he made her sit straight and cupped her face gently, "Failure is not the end of the road, beta. It's merely a detour. If by chance you stumble, we will find our way back together. and your friends...they will wait for you because true friends walk beside you through thick and thin."

Kritika hugged him, letting his words sink in...she was panicking so much that she didn't let her mind think the different way.

After a while, Kabir began typing in the roll number, and Kritika's heart raced with anticipation, and she hid her face in Kabir's embrace with her eyes tightly shut while her hand holding onto his shirt in a tight fist.

As Kabir pressed enter and the page uploaded, a small gasp escaped from his mouth. Kritika slowly looked up and gazed at her father...

"I failed?" she asked in a small voice, fear lacing her words.

Kabir looked at his daughter, his eyes filled with disbelief. With a smile tugging at his lips, he patted her gently, "You got 85 percent... I am so proud of you, beta." The words were like music to Kritika's ears, a wave of relief washing over her.

She launched herself at her father, wrapping her arms around him in a tight embrace. As Kabir held Kritika in his arms, a swell of emotions surged through him. His heart filled with pride and pure joy at his daughter's achievement. He gently ruffled her hair and lovingly tapped her head.

As Kabir's phone tinged, he pulled back gently and saw the message and smiled widely, looking at Kritika, "Payal got 84 percent."

Kritika smiled and hugged him again. She would congratulate her friend later; for now, she wished to be in her father's embrace. All those sleepless nights, that hard work, that stress... everything paid off. And she didn't do it all alone; her father was always there for her to hold her when she was stressed out, when she pressurized herself way too much... he gave her the assurance she needed.

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