Leaving home >>>>>

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I sat at the top of my bed staring down at the empty boxes, I couldn't help but imagine how much I've grown from being a little girl whose dreamt of staying in Yorkshire forever to leaving here as a 22 year old girl in like six hours time.
I picked my little bedside frame I've had since I was three it's the only inheritance my parents left for me and no they didn't die, my mom cheated on my dad three years after I was born they both ended up getting a divorce and right from that time till now my grandma had fostered me.
I went into college and graduated with a degree in law and I decided to get out of this town for good I've never thought about leaving not until I graduated two months ago there wasn't really much to miss about this place except my grandmother, I had no friends no relationship and even with the years I spent in college I was a complete loner .
You know I still want you here right " my grandma quietly said as she entered into my room leaning on the door frame
I just stared at her not knowing what to say I mean for the 22 years of my existence it's just been the both of us, mum was her only child and after the divorce it was only right I stay with her but she knew how determined I was to leave this place at least to pursue my career in law.
"AMA I called out to her it's the name I had given to her my AMA "
"I'd most definitely miss you Emily but I cannot stop you just remember that when it gets so overwhelming for you, you're always welcome back here "
I'll miss you too AMA " I said to her with shaky breath. I literally cannot imagine life without her all by my self in a big city but I have to go at least to get a better life for me and her and to prove to my parents that I could still survive without their help and if leaving home and pursuing my dreams could actually prove that point to them, I'd do it .

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11 ⏰

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