Chapter 3: The Weasleys.

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Dad heals a wound on my arm and a few scratches, but nothing scars, thankfully. It's half past 12 when Tad makes his way slowly and painfully down the stairs. He limps. I look at him concerned.
'Are you alright?' I ask as he takes his seat at the he smiles up at me.
'I'm fine. How are you? I heard you hurt your arm. Are you sure you're up for the World Cup?' He asks, giving me that concerned look again.
'I'll be fine, Tad.' He nodded at me slowly, but still he looked concerned.

'She's a smart girl, Remus, no need to worry.' Dad says with a wink to me.
'I just worry. She's bound to be unwell.' Tad replies.
'I'm fine, I wouldn't go if I wasn't fine.' I role my eyes, he seems to forget I've been fine by myself for the last 13 years.

'Any idea how they're getting here?' Dad asks me. I nod.
'Floo network.'

Right on que, a bright green flame admits from the fireplace. Ron and the twins arrive first, smiling at me. They make room for the rest to come through. Mr. Weasley, greats my dad's happily, introducing himself. Harry smiles at me and comes over, asking me how I feel.

'Now she's really tired. It was a full moon last night, so even if she says she's fine, she's going to be tired, all her injuries have been healed for the most part but her arm Still looks a bit tender-' I cut him off.

'He's being dramatic. It's fully healed. I'm fine, let's go.' I begin to drag Harry and Ron to the fireplace.
Tad continues to speak to Mr Weasley anyway.
'If she has a vision, she will be in a lot of pain. It's best to just let it ride out, stay by her, and just comfort her through it.' He continues.

'But I'm not going to have a vission, so let's go.'
'I didn't know Hydra was a seer.' Mr Weasley says, intrigued.
'Yes, she's had lots of vissions through the summer, and they can be quite distressing, so just makesure she's not alone, really.' Dad cut in.

'Okay, I can explain the rest. Goodbye, I love you both.' I yelled, stepping into the fireplace. I took a handful of floo powder from Ron and shouting 'The Borrow'

I love my dad's, I really do, but oh my goodness, I need a break! I'm not a baby.

'Hello dear, you must be Hydra. I'm Molly.' Says Mrs Weasley.
'Yes, nice to officially meet you.' I go to shake her hand, but she instead pulls me into a hug.
'Are you feeling alright? I understand you must be tired.' She asks me softly, forcing me upstairs for some rest in Ginnys room.

Hermione and Ginny greet me with a smile.
'You can have my bed, Hydra.' Ginny offers. I role my eyes playfully.
'Not you too, I'm fine no need to baby me.' I say with a smile. I do, however, take a nap in my sleeping bag. I sleep for a while because I wake up to Mrs Weasley fussing over me because I slept through dinner.

'Honestly lovely, why don't you come down and eat something, you must be starving.' She says, practically pulling me out of bed.
I smile and follow her downstairs. I eat some biscuits, but I can't force anything else down, I get incredibly nauseous after a transformation.

We are then all sent up to bed because we have a busy day ahead of us tomorrow. I fall asleep as soon as my head hits the pillow.

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