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The meeting room was silent, no one dared to speak anything. The presentation was over just a few minutes ago, all the employees were waiting for their CEO to respond, but no one dared to even look at him. The thought of asking their CEO to say something about the presentation was far away from their mind.

They all were scared. Sounds weird but it's true. Their boss always catches even a small mistake in presentations and other business works. Not even a single presentation had gone without him pointing in any mistake.

His personality .Well if you will say like a typical businessman who mainly thought of profits so it's a big NO. Their CEO is cold, even sometimes rude. He is heartless, well they thought like this as he never gave a second thought to fire anyone. He is very honest in his business. He wants perfect work, and should be on time with proper presentation.

"The presentation was good. I must say y'all have improved, but I want more perfection." The CEO responded.

The employees present in the meeting room just nodded quietly. No words came from their mouth because of the fear.

"I want a detailed file of this presentation by this evening." He ordered getting up from his seat and leaving the meeting room, not even giving a chance to speak to someone else.

"How can be able to complete the file in such a short period of time?" One of the employee asked the rest.

The other just sighed. By the look that other employees gave, the said one just shook his head.

This is not new. It's like their daily routine work. Their boss often gave them a short time to finish a work not even caring how we will complete it. The CEO doesn't care if it's a very short work or a very lengthy one, if you didn't complete it on a specific time then be ready for what's coming next.

"I told you all that I want the file by evening and here you all are still sitting. Get to work now!" A cold voice echoed in the meeting room. It was from the microphone that was fitted, their CEO might have checked the CCTV cameras.

"You all know I don't like late works. I will not give any other chance to you all if you didn't complete the file on time, and the consequences can be very bad." The cold voice came again.

"I won't hesitate to fire you all, so get up and start work! You get a salary to work here not to sit!" The person said sternly and before anything else can be heard, all the employees in the meeting room hurriedly gathered their papers and other essentials and quickly left the room.

It was just the trailer of their heartless CEO. He didn't care if anyone resigned from his company or he fired anyone. His company is the biggest and the top company of Korea. There are many people who want to work here and even the employees who are working wouldn't like to leave their job despite knowing the personality of the CEO. One reason can be that even being rude or heartless, the CEO is not dishonest. He is very honest and punctual towards his work.

The one thing they can say is that something big had happened in his life six years back that made him heartless. The old employees knew very well that he was once a person who was very kind but now not. That's also a reason many employees don't want to leave the company in hope that their CEO might change their behaviour like before.

The trailer didn't end here, after his command a knock came in his cabin.

"Come in." A cold voice answered.

Junhoe gulped in fear before opening the door and standing in front of the desk of the CEO.

"Sir, I wanted to-to ask something." Junhoe asked looking at the CEO who is still working on his laptop.

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