"dont be sorry. i heard you running and should've realized you were going to bump into me on accident. is your back okay?" dominique read out loud. she glanced down to where his hand was on her back. seeing this, he drew his hand back, showing her that her back was bleeding from a couple cuts.

dominique paled a bit, seeing how many had really re-opened. she sighed, about to reply when a voice cut off her train of thought.

"benny! how are you going with those box-" a blond teenager with red eyes walked down the porch steps, about to go help his cousin out with some of the boxes stuck at the back of the u-haul van, but was surprised to see him on the floor. with a girl. who was bleeding.

"-es. did i miss something?" aiden laughed a little, coming over to the two and standing next to them with a raised eyebrow.

"no- i accidently ran into him" dominique chuckled, her eyes flitting up to the blond as he smiled down at her. he held out both his hands, both ben and dom using them to haul themselves up and off the concrete.

"im dominique." she smiled, despite the pain in her back. she held a hand out to the blond, in which he reached forward and shook it. she then turned to the other boy, who she assumed was benny and held out her hand again. 

"fancy running into you guys?" she chuckled somewhat nervously, her hand reaching back and putting pressure on some of the cuts on her back. only reason she was nervous was the fact that the blond hadn't broken eye contact with her since they had made it, and her eyes were glancing between them both. 

"im aiden. now get the fuck in." he smiled, pushing on her upper back and moving her towards the house. she looked back at the other boy, and she was sure if she were in an anime, there would be comical question marks appearing on her head as benny shrugged. 

just as she looked forward, she was pushed though the doorway of what she assumed to be the two boy's home. she swiveled back around to face the two, aiden still grinning. 

"is this a kidnapping?" dominique spoke, her voice high pitched as she stiffed a laugh into her palm at the awkward look on benny's face. 

"yes!" the blond, aiden exclaimed gleefully as he looked her up and down, drinking in her appearance with a smirk on his face. at aidens response, ben snapped out of his awkward state, not wanting to unnerve dominique, he quickly shook his head no. aiden pouted. 

he quickly typed into his phone, wanting to assure dominique that this was, in fact, not a kidnapping. he typed swiftly, and aiden finally looked back up at her eyes.

"sick tats, dominique." he spoke, walking a bit toward her and grabbing her palm, pulling her arm toward him and he stared at the two stars that littered her wrist.

she smiled at him, allowing him to pull her as she didnt see any harm in it. these two had been nice to her so far, and she liked the blond's attitude. 

"thanks, aiden." she spoke, looking toward benny as he approached the two. 

"i figured it would be better to patch you up here. i dont know how far away you live and figured it would be better then just letting you bleed out on your run back." dominique read out load off of benny phone. she smiled toward him thankfully. 

"i only live about a block away, i was coming back from my run when i ran into you. but i would appreciate the help." she spoke sheepishly. 

after chatting with eachother for a bit while ben tended to dominique's wounds, dom had learned the following. 

one: the two were new to the area. the were only moving their stuff into the house today after having purchased it about a month ago.

two: that aiden and ben were cousins, not siblings. 

three: that ben was living with aiden's parents and aiden himself because his parents thought he could use a reset

four: that aiden's parents traveled a crazy lot. which answers the question as to why they werent home

five: that dominique could only really focus on so much of what they were saying due to ben's feathery touch against her wounds and aiden's slender fingers tracing her tattoos and scars.

she had assured ben multiple times that it didnt hurt her and he didnt have to be so careful in accidentally inflicting her pain. 

he had blotted anti-septic on her wounds and stitched shut the bigger cuts on her back, gluing the less-serious one's together, and placing band-aids against the small, irritated cuts that hadn't split. 

aiden had been asking her questions about her hobbies and such, ben chiming in every once in a while with a question typed up on his phone. 

dom hadn't asked why ben didnt want to talk, instead, she embraced the solace that ben provided with his caring attitude and silent nature. all the while, aiden kept rambling about whatever topic came to mind in his brain. 

both boys had learned a couple things about dominique, too. 

one: that she knew sign language. when ben tried to sign a question for dominique towards aiden, dominique had intercepted it and signed her answer back to him. she also learned that he wasn't fluent, but educated in it enough to hold somewhat of a conversation. 

two: that she was a pretty active person. the two had learned that dominqiue had picked up a couple online classes in kick-boxing and mma. she insisted she wasn't too good, but when aiden had tried to jump on her, she had spun around and pinned him to the floor in seconds. also, accidentally re-opening a stitch that ben hadn't finished, earning a deadpan from him. 

three: that she loved weapons. when the two had queried further into that, she pulled out a small, metal, pen-looking thing from a pocket on the side of her gym shorts. when she pressed a button on the item, both sides of the pen split, longer metal pieces extending from either side and turning into a hefty, metal bo-staff. she had spun it around in her hands, doing a couple tricks with it as the two looked with stars in their eyes. she had even showed them how the handle of the staff unsheathed, a pointy blade now its place as it resembled a spear. 

four: that they both couldnt focus too much on what she was saying sometimes. because when she looked at them, the breath was somewhat knocked from her lungs. what could they say! she had really, really pretty eyes. 

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