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I enter the entrance to the Little Universe medical building.

I just turned 19 this month and I read about being able to receive a drug to regress to a younger age. Since I am already 3 feet tall and look like a child I believe that it will be easier for my process of being a little.

"Hi, I'm Faye Wilmington, and I am here about the drug for Littles?" I say to the front desk lady in a quiet voice.

"Of course, sweetie. I will need to see some ID to make sure that you are age appropriate and for identification purposes." She says in a cheerful and friendly tone and with a smile on her face.

I smile back ate her and I give her my ID and she scans it into the computer and types something and then hands it back to me.

"Alright, so go ahead and sit in one of the waiting chairs and then they will do a physical exam and then have you answer a questionnaire to see what you are looking for."

I nod my head in response and head over to the cushioned chairs in the waiting area.

I look around and see many posters about Littles and caregivers and it makes me think about my past.

I have always been having to do adult stuff since for as long as I can remember. My parents were drug addicts and alcoholics and would beat me and have me work so that they can use my money to pay for their drugs.

If they, I, didn't have enough to pay for it then they would sell me and my body for the drugs and alcohol.

I think I stopped growing at 3 feet simply because of the fact that my mother did drugs while pregnant with me and it stunted my growth.

I have never been in a relationship like other teenagers because of both my height and because I have a hard time trusting people.

So when I read about the drug that could make me regress to a younger age and have a second chance of a childhood I thought, why not try it?

"Faye Wilmington?" A male doctor calls out and brings me out of my thoughts.

I look to the doctor, who is almost three times my height, dark brown hair, green eyes, and a stubble along his sharp jawline.

I smile and stand up and go over to the doctor.

"That's me." I say softly.

"Okay, follow me and we will start with getting your height and weight, and then do a full physical exam. After that you will fill out a paper with questions about what kind of caregivers you want, what you are okay with, and what age you are wanting to regress to.

"I also want to let you know that after being given this drug you will be regressed and will no longer be able to care for yourself. You will also be given another drug that will give you immortality and you will forever be stuck at your regressed age."

The doctor explains all this to me has he is leading me down a hallway.

"I know, I did research about it before coming here." I assure him.

The Little Universe is it's own city. Only Littles and Caregivers are allowed in it. There is only one way in and one way out of the city and that is through the entrance that I first came through when I got into the building.

There is an exit at the back of the building that let's you into the Little Universe. After the Long War, that lasted for three hundred years. A lot of the world was destroyed and turned into wastelands.

I used to live in Death Town, it was called that because a lot of people are killed there because all the bad people live there and because that is where the war started. So there are graves in people front and backyards.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11 ⏰

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