Chapter 12: Savageland

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The X-Men wake up all at the same time. Usually they'll wake up at different times throughout the day. They continued their day as normal until Scott went into the professor's room. He sees that Xavier is missing. Scott immediately tells the X-Men & they rush into Xavier's bedroom.

Dialogue: (ft. The X-Men, Thomas Ball & Others)

Wolverine: I can't pick up the smell. Too much sulphur.

Cyclops: Jean?

Jean attempts to use her psychic powers to locate the professor but he's not under her radar.

M. Girl: he's not under my radar. Evelyn?

Eclipse: I've tried. Failed.

Storm: there's no way the professor would disappears without a trace. Search the room for any clues.

The X-Men search every corner of the room but nothing.

Cyclops: found anything?

The X-Men: nothing.

Shadowcat: my bet is that the professor got teleported. It could explain why he disappeared without any trace behind.

Angel: & how does that explain why they can't locate him?

Rogue: maybe 'cause the professor got taken to a place where there's something that blocks their powers from finding 'im.

Beast: but who'd be responsible for this? Surely it must be a group of people.

Eclipse: wait. Let me use the crown.

Beast: Eve, I told you. You can only use it under dire circumstances.

Eclipse: this is a dire circumstance, Hank. The crown can penetrate through any mind even if it's shielded by a machine or generally built into their mind.

Eclipse puts on the crown & locates the professor. He is in the Savageland with Magneto, Nightcrawler & a mutant named Morph.

Eclipse: he's in the Savagelands. I'll bring us there.

Eclipse teleports them to the Savagelands. They all see snow everywhere. They realize their mutant powers don't work.

Cyclops: my eyes..I can see!

Jean: I can't sense anyone's mind. My powers!

Storm: our powers have abandoned us.

Beast: curious..this phenomenon can't be natural. There must be something blocking our mutations from being used.

The Nasty Boys that work for Mr. Sinister appear from at the top of the mountain.

Ruckus: Y'know what they say. Easy come, easy go. Surrender to us now & Mr. Sinister just might let you live!

Cyclops: that's a lot of talk from you, Ruckus. We might not have our mutant powers but we can still take you out.

Ruckus: sure..Vertigo, now!

Vertigo uses her psionic equilibrium distortion powers to knock the X-Men out for a few seconds. They get back up but are defeated easily by the Nasty Boys. Everyone is apprehended except for Wolverine who escapes into the jungle part of the Savagelands below. He runs for his life as a few of the boys came after him but were easily taken care off due to his adamantium claws which aren't a part of his mutation. The X-Men are forced into a jail cell & they see Nightcrawler, Professor Xavier, Magneto & Morph chained on the feet & hands.

Cyclops: professor! Wake up!

Mr. Sinister: he won't respond to you. He only responds to me, Mr. Sinister!

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⏰ Last updated: May 23 ⏰

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