chapter 14

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NAMASTE dear reader 🙏

Ahh..., itt woke up with a light jerk as nick stopped his car near his  room that he rented near his university .

"We are here" nick said to itt and got out from his car followed by itt. Itt looked at the room which was okay and little small for living but not as good as they both have in their own house.

"So, do you like this room?" nick asked itt who was immersed in his thoughts while looking at the room. "Um, it's okay for us" itt replied with light smile.

"Don't worry we are not going to stay here that long.  We need to change our location , after one or two days day will obviously find out our living place" nick said in series.

"So, where are we going to live?" itt asked In trembling voice as he thought they have to sleep on streets. "Aww..Don't worry I will take you to another province and we will continue our education there .
But I  have to find work first to move from here" nick said to itt.

But I  have to find work first to move from here" nick said to itt

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"I will also work to help both of us" itt said to nick ." How can you ? You look so weak and pale" nick said raising his hand and stroking itt's  cheek.

"Shia! , nick don't talk like my grandma . Look at yourself first you are looking more malnutritioned than Me" itt said With frown as his friend do not let him work.

"Huh...."nick chuckled "now you are back . I was just teasing you a bit" nick said with little laugh.

"Are you done teasing me? Cause I'm hungry give me some food" itt asked and nick smiled looking at his friend whining for food.

He cooked two bowl of Ramen and some fried rice for them. Looking at the food infront of him itt grinned widely and immediately started eating.

"Wow! Nick you are great" itt said In loud voice his mouth stuffed. "Hmm, Don't shout too loud ,or your bastard hubby will listen and come here to take you back" nick said to tease itt .

"He is not my hubby.  All hubby love their wife and praises them but he only insults me and beats me. so, how can I call him my hubby?" itt said In sad tone.

"Why are you talking like that ? Do you love him?" Nick asked in tensed voice.
...... itt remained silent for sometime "mm..., no I don't want to love him" itt said to his bestie.

But in his heart he can feel pain thinking about the person he was talking about.

"Good for you , he don't deserve your love after all bad things he did to you" nick said and comforted his friend.

After eating and cleaning itt and nick slept on a small bed both were used to sleep with eachother during their university days.

Next morning nick packed all his stuff as in early morning one of his friend's called him for job as their family run a bakery and Cafe in another province so itt and nick quickly agreed to work as waiter . It was a luxury Cafe so their salary was not that bad enough for them to take care of their expenses.

"Good bye....."was all nick said looking at his house with painful eyes from the bushes where he parked his car. He wanted to meet his mother one last Time but he was afraid of his father. So, drove to another province along with itt .


On the other side

Day was out of his mind he ordered all his subordinates and bodyguards to search itt and bring him to main villa.
His subordinates were afraid of their leader's behavior so they were trying their best to not  come infront of angry wolf.

It was almost midnight day was drinking alcohol alone in bar area of his villa .

"Damn, it's not less than any battle field" came a voice making day to glare at Neil .

"What? Why are you looking like that , what happened?" Neil asked with light smirk 😏 .

Crash.....,day threw the glass of alcohol on the wall due to which it shattered into pieces making Neil to laugh loudly in response.

"Trust me day, I think you love that kid look at yourself no body can recognize you as a leader right now" Neil uttered making day more angry.

"Ahh.., damn day you are out of your mind" Neil said as day squeezed his neck  with force making Neil gasp in response.

"Don't talk rubbish if you don't Want to die today" day said removing his strong grip from Neil's neck making him take deep breath in relief.

"So why do you want that kid if you don't like him ? Just let him go and die" Neil said sarcastically making day turn again.

"Are you an idiot ? What about my pup he is pregnant with my pup, my heir how can I let him go . He is so weak and little how can he take care of himself and my pup alone. I don't know where he went his phone is switched off" day expressed his feelings in deep voice.  Deep down he knew he was more worried about itt but his ego was not letting him accept the fact.

"I think he was feeling more insecure with you may be he thought you will hit him and cause injury to the pup in his womb. Come on day it's a typical omega behavior you needed to be more careful with him" Neil said pointing out at day to tease him.

"Okay , what about you? when are you going to take responsibility of your mess that you made?" day asked making Neil fall silent thinking about the short figure whom he rejected.

"Don't think I don't know anything.  I'm just silent as it is your personal matter but that omega nick was never a part of our revenge then why did you slept with him?" day asked making Neil to sigh and sit on near by sofa.

"I was drunk" Neil replied in deep voice.  "Are you going to take responsibility or let him go?" day asked. "I don't love him I Already have feelings for night: Neil said not looking at day .

"Don't involve night in this .  He don't love you he loves that bastard gear and you already know this" day said in tensed tone.

"I know I'm just waiting for the day when he will forget about gear and accept my feelings towards him ."

"Even if I separated both of them I'm sure night will always see you as his brother only and he knows what you did to nick so there is no chance of his feelings to change for you . So, don't waste your time and move on" day adviced his friend.

" You Better look for that omega and take responsibility like good alpha leader atleast until he gives birth to your pup" day said and left the room leaving Neil In deep thought.

Wait for next ch
Thankyou 😁
Bye 👋

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