Chapter 5

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It has been about 10 years now they've been trapped, Astrid would have said that they were pretty good friends. The two spent there days going through different places and time through from there memories. Between the two of them there were plenty of places to go. They could still vaguely here Burgers coming every day making demands, Morpheus found it much easier to tolerate with a 'friend' there now. Traveling to a new place and time every day tell all kinds of story's was almost a bit fun. He enjoyed that she seemed to just like the story he would tell of old civilization or different places things he has seen rather then trying to befriend and old ancient powerful being. And she quite like learning about everything he would tell her, from ancient Greek, to Mesopotamia or Egypt, or even his own kingdom sometimes.

The two of them were sitting at a pub in Paris in the mid 1600s, something from Astrid's memories. Over the years she learned Morpheus like to be in simpler and calm places as equal to the grand and glorious.

"So you've never killed a human?" She asked him trying to hide her slight surprise.

"I can not, it is against the ancient rules, as well as being my sister's domain" he told truthfully, looking out at the view.

Astrid hesitated before asking "Have you ever wanted to?" No judgement in her voice, after all who would she be to judge.

He turned to looked at her, seeing her eyes filled with curiosity, not hidden behind the normal mask she normally wore, the face of a friend simply asking him. "I have been alive through all of human history every I've of you has entered my world, I have seen every dark thought you'd kind could come up with." He looked back over to the view for a moment "no"

She understood why he didn't, but she couldn't help but wonder if he had seen the worst of her kind for thousands and thousands of years what would he think of her, her countless kills the rampages of villages, of her monster being.
"Do you think less of me for it" she turned away, back to the view she said it as more of a statement rather then a question. Her mask sliding back up her face. "you sister has never spoken it out loud but I can see it in her eyes"

"No, I could not even if I wanted to" he spoke truthfully, and he didn't even really know why, he had judged plenty of other humans for doing far less then she, but then again she isn't quite human either is she

"I-" she stopped for a moment "I try to make sure there have been no, no innocent" her jaw ticked ever so slightly "but I know, I know I have failed"

"You have taken the lives of many, yet you have also saved so many more" he said still looking at her. Her faces relaxed back to calm, A few moments passed "Plus if it was a task you never truly set out to do how could you have failed?" He asked with a bit of humor in his voice.

Astrid turned back to him eyes widened ever so slightly and a hint of a smile "was- was that a joke?" She asked "did you just make a joke?" She huffed a little laugh and he rolled his eyes also having a hint of a smile on his face to. "Oh well no it's official, we are friends" Astrid says laughing a bit more. Morpheus raised his eyebrows at her as if to say

So she raised hers as to say
'Yes really, try and argue with me see what happens'

"Very well then Astrid, you should know that my friends call me Dream" her tells her smiling.

She smiles back "Dream, I like that" she tells him back. "Do you have many friends?" She asked. His smile faulted for a moment and he looked off into the distance " oh I apologize if this is a sore subject, you don't have to answer if you don't want to" She tells him.

"I have a friend by the name of Hob Gadling, had, the last time we spoke it did not end on good terms I said many harsh things" Dream tells her

"If you two are truly friends, im sure he will forgive you the next time you meet" Astrid try's to tell him encouragingly smiling softly, they sit together in comfortable silence as moments pass, gazing into the view.

"I do hope you right dear Astrid" he tells her not moving his eyes, nor did she.

A few days had passed and they were now walking along a path through a Maya city from Morpheus memories. Dream was pleased with how fascinated she was with everything, he almost wished he spent more time in the human world so he would have more answers to her questions. As they were walking and talking he asked her a question that he had been wondering for a few days now.

"Astrid?" She turned her head to him as they walked " do you believe your family to be looking for you by now?" He asked her gently, he knew like himself she had a complicated relationship with her siblings.

"I don't know" she tells him honestly " my brother would never wake this early into my, 'punishment', if they were moving again maybe, but they were very happy where they were" Morpheus know what she meant by punishment, she has explained it some time ago after he asked how a creature as powerful as she could be taken down. "the only other reason would be if the destroyer showed up"

"The destroyer? Who is that" he asked never hearing her say that name before. Astrid slowed to a stop, not looking at him but up at the temple in front of them

"He is a vampire hunter, and he has a weapon that can kill us" she tell his simply, not wanting to get into to many details "me and my brother Niklaus are the ones he want most as we are, natures hated abomination's"
Dream just starred at her as she spoke " I've heard it for hundreds of years, the darkness in me, when I was a child from my parents, after I was made into this" she tilts her head as to jester herself not moving her eyes "from thousand of others over time witch's, wolves, vampires, and some others, ...  I suppose there right  I-"

"No" Morpheus stopped her

She turned to look at him "Morpheus, it's alright I know I might be much younger then you but I've had enough time to accept-" she tried

"No" he stopped her again looking her dead in the eye "you are no abomination, Astrid I have met and made true abomination through my time. There is no darkness in you that your light can not over shine, you have to much kindness to much love in you to be an abomination you are strong and brave. Don't not think yourself such a thing because it is a lie" he left no room for debate, no room for any type of reason. So sure, Astrid was stunned for a moment she didn't know what to say, she didn't know what to think.


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