002 - Denial

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Viserra excused herself from the council and ran out, she sat in a hallway on the floor just thinking.

There was no way they were being serious, she couldn't marry him, she loved Aemond not him.

Her face was dead with emotion as she glared at the intricate stone designs on the ceilings.

"Princess?" Viserra's maid, Tanselle, asked.

Tanselle had been raised alongside Viserra, to serve her, Tanselle was 15 making her 2 years Viserra's senior.

To Viserra it was all muffled and she didn't notice Tanselle was there the first 3 times she called her name.

"Princess are you feeling quite alright?" Tanselle knelt down in front of the young girl.

"Oh hello Tanselle,  I um...I'm fine just some nonsense about me marrying Prince Aegon" she awkwardly laughed and Tanselles face dropped.

"Princess,  I'm not so sure it's nonsense" Viserra saw the guilt eating Tanselle alive as she spoke.

"What do you mean?" Viserra tilted her head.

"There had been talk of it in the servants quarters-" Tanselle bit her finger nails and Viserra interuppted her.

"You knew?" She asked.

"I believed it to be rumours...your grace" Tanselle put her head down.

"Then it must be rumours" Viserra spoke up and Tanselle gave her a puzzled look.

"I'm not sure I understand" Tanselle muttered.

"I trust you would never lie to me Tanselle, and if you aresaying it's a rumour it has to be a rumour, I refuse to believe my mother would enslave me that drunken idiot" She spoke loud and clear.

"I'm not an idiot" Aegon shouted from the other end of the hall as he stumbled out the meeting room.

The girls turn there head round him and Viserra rolls her eyes at him as he walks in zig zags away.

"I wouldn't get your hopes up Princess that is all I shall say" Tanselle spatout before hurrying away leaving Viserra on the floor once again.

Viserra jumped up and went to discuss things with Aemond, maybe they could convince the council they should marry instead.


"Aemond!" Viserra wandered the halls shouting his name.

She turned a corner and bumped into Aegon and she fell on top of him.

"Well hello there" the drunken Aegon mumbled.

"Ew" Viserra tried to get off him as soon as possible and eventually, she stood up.

"I appreciate the help Viserra" he laughed as he still lay on the floor, looking up at her.

Reluctantly she stuck a hand out to him, Aegon smiled and reached for her hand but instead of pulling himself up he pulled her back down on top of him.

"Hello lady wife" he cackled

"You despicable freak, we are not married yet." She growled and him and grabbed his shoulders.

"Yet" he smiled and moved his hand closer to her face.

She pulled her head back in disgust "I'm not some maid you can charm, bye bye Aegon" She made her way back to her feet and ran to find Aemond as soon as possible.


Viserra finally found Aemond coming out the dragon pit.

She was flusterd and flushed from running everyone to find him.

"Aemond" her voice was shaky with crackles.

"Yes Viserra?......are you okay you are scaring me?" Aemond walked up to her and held her cheeks with his hands.

"I am betrothed" she looked at the floor.

Aemond took a deep breath. "To whom" he asked.

"Aegon" Viserra growled aggressively but behind that you could see the sad little girl she was.

"Aegon." Aemond tilted his head in anger.


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