Chapter One: On The Road Again

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Puking up my lungs sounds like a better idea than getting out of my soft, warm bed. I peek out from under the covers and look over at my alarm, noting that it's five am but the mere thought of sticking even a measly toe out from under my comforter sounds like the worst idea in the history of bad ideas. Alas, the horrible creature known as my big sister decides it's the perfect time for my actual death. With her yanking the covers off of me and practically breaking my blinds from opening them over excitedly, I'm declaring that I'm no longer apart of this family.

"Get up Riley today is The Day! How did you even sleep knowing that you're about to spend a whole year on tour with ONE DIRECTION!? I could barely sleep and I'm not even the one going." My sister Kasey said. "I haven't slept a wink, trust me." I replied, still shivering in bed in the fetal position.

"Well c'mon, get up and get ready! We have 30 minutes until you have to be at the airport." Kasey reminds me with what was supposed to be a comforting pat on the back but felt more like doom.

It's not that I'm not excited, when I found out that my video explaining why winning the competition and getting the prize would mean the world to me, actually won, I was screaming for days. It just doesn't feel real yet. I'm mostly scared about all the possible things that could go wrong more than anything else. Like what if they don't like me or I all the things promised were false. But being presentable when I'm about to meet the most famous boyband in the world, including their entire team is the thing that gets me out of bed for the final time.

Since I lives in America and the tour starts in Australia I have to take a long flight all by myself, but this is how my life is gonna be for the next year. Not having any of my friends there or even my mom to comfort me when I need it, is going to be so tough. I sigh as I realize all of this, heading to my closet. I'm not gonna be around people or places I know and it's all really scary. But I really need to rid myself of all these negative thoughts when this is supposed to be a positive thing, so I start in on getting ready.

Being as comfortable as possible on a long flight is key, so a old t-shirt, flannel, skinny jeans, vans and a slap of concealer is all I do to get ready this morning. Once I'm presentable enough, I still have time to go and eat. But as I exit my room and walk down the stairs the nerves hit me once again.

Entering the kitchen my mom immediately greets me, "Riley sweetie! I made you some eggs and bacon for the big day, come and eat." I admit, the food smells delicious and I tell her so. "Are you excited for the big day? Well, big year more like." my mom asks. "Yeah, I really really am but I'm also so nervous too you know? It's a lot to handle all at once I guess." I reply timidly. My mom nods in understanding "You're growing up doll, so many others would love this opportunity and trust me with all the paperwork we had to sign your gonna see what almost nobody gets to. Of course it's scary but in the end you'll have these memories for a lifetime." She says, and instantly I'm comforted. She always knows what to say. I stop eating my food and hug her. Not long after, she realizes it's time to go to the airport and my stomach swoops in anticipation. This is it.


After the scramble that was trying to get my luggage in the car, almost forgetting my skateboard, and getting lost trying to find the check in, I'm happy to slow down and be able to say goodbye to my mom and sister. "God, I'm gonna miss you so much sweetie." My mom says while I hugged her tightly. "Don't forget about us bigshot okay? And make sure to put in a good word about me to Niall!" Kasey said with shiney eyes that made me laugh. I reach over and hug her as well, holding in my tears. "I'm gonna miss you so much, I love you both and I'll call you probably everyday or every hour and tell you everything!" I replied with shakiness in my voice and a huge weight on my chest.

They both hugged me goodbye one more time and only seconds later, I was alone. I go through security and passport check scared out of my mind and when I finally reach my gate I'm exhausted but can't seem to settle down. That was the first time I've ever done any of that alone and the whole time I just kept wondering how I was gonna tell One Direction I can't make it because I'm afraid of getting a pat down. I mean I'm 18 and I'm afraid of independence!? Luckily the pat down didn't happen but hey, working on zero hours of sleep makes my anxiety run rampant.

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