I was still pissed I lost that tournament I hoped moving to London will change things

But will it ?

"Amanda?" Mum called out
I was so zoned out I almost forgot I was in the car. "Y..yes mum?" I replied

"We're almost there now"
Excitement was building up inside of me i  felt a cold rush running through my blood as we reached closer to where I would soon call home

All I have to do is find a new dojo... while this may seem simple to you it's hard. really hard
My sensie taught me everything I know it's hard to just move on and find someone else and restart from someone who knew me better than I ever will

But I have no choice

"Amanda grab ur things" dad calls out as the car door jolts open.

Excitedly I shift to the other side of the seat getting out of the car and grabbing my bags.

"Does this house seem small to u?" Mum complained.

I have to admit it's not like our old house back in America but it's a lot fancier on the inside so it's definitely fine with me

~3 hours later

I finally finished unpacking when I reached in my bag to grab one last thing ....

Sparing pads.

Memories shot back from when I lost the tournament a couple weeks back as guilt flooded in

If only I trained harder.. I'm sorry sensie

"Sorry doesn't cut it Amanda ur my best student u went weak on me and now we lost"

Everything come back and I just felt so weak and worthless. I allways dreamed of being the best fighter in my family and it came true but I still felt weak...

Since day one of entering that dojo I gave it my all I wanted to impress everyone including myself and improve daily

An idea suddenly shot into my thoughts

I paced around the room impressed by my sudden thaught. "That's it..that's what I'm going to do" I spoke to myself

I decided I was going to fake it.

And how u may think ?.
I run over to grab my old karate belts digging through to grab my white belt,I smirk tying it around my waist then notting it through.

Memories flood through from my old sensie telling me how I'm a fast learner

"Amazing Amanda and are u sure you have no experience?"

I decided to restart completely because that's where I felt I belonged

If only she knew her opponent cheated in that tournament

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