BRIANNA: girl stop you're making me nervous, but thank you so much it means so much coming from you like you're the one person in our age category of actors and actresses that i'm always looking to for inspiration and advice within acting.

ZENDAYA: that means so much to me, wow, do you want to come and sit with tom and I?

BRIANNA: i won't bother you guys, have fun i'm going to go and see if i can get service and call my mum, i'll probably join you guys later is that okay?

ZENDAYA: yes that's fine girl, just come and find us whenever. and also, congratulations again bri.

BRIANNA: thank you z, see you later.

and with that brianna left the hall and stood outside in the courtyard area, after walking around for a few minutes she finally got service and clicked on her mothers contact name. as it rang the woman grew nervous not knowing if her mother would pick up. unsurprisingly she did not.

she let out a sigh of disappointment even though this is what had happened throughout her whole career. from the age of 13, her mother hasn't been that supportive of the decisions she makes as she wanted her daughter to follow in her footsteps. because of this, brianna relied on her older sister, camilla, for all moral support. camilla was the person that brianna loved the most, although she was only 3 years older than brianna, camilla treated her with all the love and support that she didn't receive from their mother.


CAMILLA: hi sis, i'm so sorry that i couldn't make it, i'm in my third trimester so there was no way i would have been able to flight.

BRIANNA: no, no that's completely understandable and thank you for continuously checking in on me i really appreciate it.

CAMILLA: of course, i'm always going to be here for you, you know that.

BRIANNA: i love you, how's your pregnancy going?

CAMILLA: okay so far thank you, i've got an appointment tomorrow so yeah. she's due in 13 days so my midwife just wants to make sure everything is on track and that i'm comfortable and stuff.

BRIANNA: that's good, i cant wait to meet my nephew this is so exciting.

CAMILLA: whenever i'm speaking to you i can literally feel him kicking, but let me not keep you any longer, go have fun.

BRIANNA: okay cam, i'll message you in the morning and remember to call me after the appointment and go to sleep it's like 3am back home. i love you goodnight.

CAMILLA: girl it's 3 in the morning calm downnnn. and i love you too sis. goodnight bri.

before heading back inside Brianna took a seat on the garden bench. although she has been in adulthood for quite some time now, she still got emotional when thinking about the relationship she had with her mom. her inner child still hasn't healed and was never going to get through closure that she truly deserved due to the stubbornness of her mother, who wanted nothing to do with her youngest daughter.

the ringing of her phone startled her, for a split second she felt joy as she thought it would be her mom returning the call, but as she picked it up she realised it was just timothee. she composed herself before answering as she didn't want to seem as if she wasn't enjoying her night.

TIMOTHEE: yooooo where you at brianna, this party is amazing they're playing Kudi.

BRIANNA: oh i'm just in the courtyard chilling, i'm coming inside in a minute.

TIMOTHEE: i'm coming now to get you just wait i'll be there in a minute Brianna.

he hung up the phone and the girl smiled to herself, he was so excited to be here and she kind of wished she could act the same way too. i mean there's no harm in her trying right?

as she sat watching the pond waterfall she heard footsteps her closer to her, before she knew it timothee was stood right in front of her dancing.

TIMOTHEE: come on let's not waste this time, life's short remember and we're technically not getting- are you okay?

BRIANNA: yeah come on let's go?

TIMOTHEE: did she not call?

BRIANNA: nope, but it's fine i-

TIMOTHEE: listen if you need to talk to anyone you can talk to me and it's only not to be okay, but let's just enjoy tonight come on.

he held out his hand and she accepted it, together they danced their way back inside and joined in the crowd of energetic people who were moving carelessly to the best of the music.

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