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the movie screen went dark and the room began to get gradually lighter as the sound of cheering and applauses echoed through the room. Tim burton stood up and made his way to the stage where a spotlight shone on him.

TIM B: thank you all for coming out tonight, i just wanted to say a few things before we leave and head to the hall for the after party. this was one of my favourite projects to work on as i was able to revive one of my most renowned stories which is something that i don't get to do often, i am very grateful for the cast that has been working besides me as they are amazing human beings and the love i have for them will always continue. as the days go on, i miss the energy we had on set and often find myself reminiscing about the jokes and atmosphere that was created over the time we filmed and even up until now. i hope you all enjoyed the movie as i did and again, i am truly excited that you could all make it. now that's enough from me, let's head into the hall and continue this amazing night.

the energy within the room lifted again as everyone stood up and applauded the director. Brianna got up adjusted her outfit. the rest of the cast came with their parents or significant others but Briana was the only one that came alone. her family was really busy back home and although she insisted that their flights and accommodation will be payed for my her, they still made up excuses so she decided to do this independently. she awkwardly stood there for a while messing with her bracelets, scanning the room for anyone that was free to spea. she spotted Winona and her husband and made her way towards them.

WINONA: hi my darling, wow that was amazing wasnt it? you did so well like i almost teared up. oh and how rude of me, this is my husband scott. scott this is the amazing Brianna Miller.

BRIANNA: thank you so much i really appreciate it, i was a little nervous about how the audience would react but i think everyone liked it and i want to thank you for how much you have helped me with this project i seriously couldn't have done it without you. and its a pleasure to meet you Scott.

SCOTT: the pleasures all mine, your acting is so captivating.

brianna grinned and thanked them both again before the three of them headed down the stairs of the viewing room. as she was half way down the stairs, the end of brianna's skirt got caught underneath one of the chairs and she struggled to remove it. the worst part was that she was one of the only people left in the theatre so it wasn't like she could just ask someone who was walking past her for help. her patience was running out quickly but just as she was about to rip the end of the skirt off and leave it, she felt a hand gently touch her upper arm.

TIMOTHEE: lemme help with that, we cant have you walking into the after party with half an outfit.

BRIANNA: oh my days timothee you're a lifesaver i was about to lose it.

TIMOTHEE; yeah i could tell, my mom
pointed you out and told me to see if you were okay.

BRIANNA: okay so i take it back, i will thank your mom because without her consideration you wouldn't have even checked on me.

the man chuckled at her comeback as he knew that she wasn't being serious. gently he knelt down and released the fabric from beneath the seat and ensured it wasn't damaged.

BRIANNA: thank you so much.

TIMOTHEE: you're welcome, now let's go and enjoy this party.

he held out his arm for her to hold onto as it was evidently going to be quite difficult to make her way down all those stairs, without any support, due to the heels she chose.

ZENDAYA: girl your performance in that was so iconic, i actually think i prefer your take on Kim than any other roles that you have done yet and that's saying a lot since i literally love everything you've been in?

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