Chapter 4: The Obsessive Scientist

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We return to the training facility as Saitama and Tatsumaki stand facing each other

"So are you ready, Baldy?" Tatsumaki questions, slightly excited.

"Yup. Go all out." Saitama answers with one hand in his pocket and the other held out in a challenging motion.

Tatsumaki wears an irritated face

"He's looking down on me. Definitely. Che."

"Do not take too long. While time has frozen outside of this domain I do wish to return you all eventually."

"Got it Screen. This will be quick anyways." Tatsumaki states with confidence.

A few minutes later ...

"WHY CAN'T I MOVE YOU? WHAT ARE YOU MADE OF?" Tatsumaki screeches in anger while a bright green glow surrounds both her and Saitama.

For the duration of the fight Saitama had mostly been dodging and punching away Tatsumaki's attacks when finally, she decided to just lift him and throw him into the wall out of frustration

"Unbelievable. Tornado wasn't able to even damage him at all." Stitch mutters in awe.

"I mean this was kinda obvious no? The guy punches away monsters without even trying." Metal Bat grunted out.

"The extensive evidence presented to us still did not give a comparison to Tornado's powers. I calculated that she would at least be able to damage the Caped Baldy. I did not expect her to lose so atrociously and without even being able to lift him." Metal Knight stated.

"My power level reader doesn't work on him! The heck is going on!?" Child Emperor cries out while holding his newly built busted mask.

A bunch of murmurs go around the group wondering just how strong Saitama is

"Hey. Good fight. You're pretty strong. You've got some cool moves." Saitama says while holding a thumbs up.

"PRETTY STRONG!? I WASN'T EVEN ABLE TO DAMAGE YOU!" Tatsumaki screeches out.

"Yeah. You hit me a couple times and I know you went easy on me just to be safe."

"Wha- Wai- huh? I didn't go easy! I mean sure I didn't try to kill him, but this is ridiculous. I used at least 40% of my powers." Tatsumaki stuttered out.

"I can tell you're a good hero. Even though you probably wanted to go all out and feel that feeling again. You still held back because you didn't want to hurt me, just in case. I think that's pretty admirable." Saitama says while smiling slightly.

Tatsumaki goes bright red at the praise


"Alright now that we're all done, can we continue the viewing?"

"Huh? Oh yeah sure. Thanks for the fight Tats." Saitama says, still smiling.

"Hey. Fight me again. On another day. I'll show you more of my moves. I'm sure you could take it." Tatsumaki grumbles out.

"Uh. Sure, let's fight again." A slightly confused Saitama responds.

"And... sorry for not being able to give you a good fight." Tatsumaki whispers quietly.

"Sorry, what was that?"


Back in the theater the cast take their seats after grabbing more refreshments

"We will now begin the next episode. Are there any questions? No? Very well."

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