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Chapter 90 The Ending of "Otto Apocalypse"

Finally, the story of "Otto Apocalypse" has reached the second half.

All the audiences were eagerly looking forward to this unique story at this moment, waiting for the final ending of this unique story, and started talking one after another.

[Hey, hey, what just flashed by in that moment, isn't the amount of information a bit large? 】

[It's not just big, it's simply huge. Otto lived for a full five hundred years. Just pick a part of it and you can make a separate video.]

[Otto's life is really outrageous. In the previous videos, except for the stories about pre-civilizations that have nothing to do with him, everything else is related to him]

[Yeah, Otto's life is really outrageous. It feels like the entire modern history of mankind is related to him and was completely affected by his actions]

[Sigh, but Otto is really difficult to evaluate. I thought he was nothing before, but after watching this video, I realized that it is really rare that he can persevere alone for five hundred years without forgetting his original intention. of】

[This is indeed the case, and in fact, humans in this era have been able to suppress Honkai and did not allow Honkai to cause larger-scale sacrifices. Otto and the destiny he took over are indeed indispensable]

[So in the final analysis, you cannot evaluate this Bishop of Destiny in terms of good and evil. Otto is Otto. He is indeed not a thing, but at the same time he did do what he should do.]

[Yeah, so let's take a look at the ending he achieved after spending his whole life and doing everything he could...]


In the video.

The narration of Void Archive continues to emerge.

[Five hundred years have passed, and mankind has experienced the baptism of Honka again and again, and has dueled with the gods]

[During this period, a man named Otto was involved from beginning to end. Sometimes he played the role of leader, sometimes he played the hero, sometimes he played the villain, sometimes he played the fool...]

[He has done many evil things and created many great deeds]

[He has designed countless people, killing heroes who fought against Honkai one after another, and caused countless ordinary people who should enjoy happiness to fall into hell]

[He also personally conquered the collapsed ladder to heaven and pried open the first stone step on the road to the sky. Although the subsequent road was winding and almost unwalkable, due to Otto's participation, its end was already bright. Emerging...]

[Yes, when time comes to this moment, when the destined time comes, Otto Apocalypse finally ushered in his destined ending]

[He decided to carry all his sins to the end of his life and chase what he had lost five hundred years ago]

[After going around in circles all his life, the man finally found his way back to where he came from]

In the picture, after Otto left his last message for the world, he finally went to the world that he had been chasing all his life and tried his best to reach.

On the crimson beach.

After spending his whole life, the blond Bishop of Destiny finally set foot on this land and saw the huge golden tree in the distance.

——The tree of imaginary numbers.

This law that once personally took away his two most important world wills, Otto Apocalypse finally witnessed the existence of the other party with his own eyes this time.

(Fan translation)  Honkai Simulation, I conquered the final KianaWhere stories live. Discover now